This civilization emerged between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers...
This civilization popped up along the Nile River at the far end of the Fertile Crescent...
This civilization started as a city that was well-protected by seven hills...
This civilization was isolated by mountains to the south, ocean to the east, desert to the north, and plateau to the west...
This civilization developed along a rocky and mountainous peninsula sticking out into the Aegean Sea...
Technology is defined as tools that help you do something else more _____.
efficiently (similar answers accepted)
Religion is a set of _____ that people share centered around something sacred or holy.
rituals, beliefs
(accept one)
Government and social structure help societies maintain _____, both officially and unofficially.
order (similar answers accepted)
Networks are defined as connections that cause _____.
conflict, cooperation
(accept one)
Culture is the set of _____ that a group of people have in common.
norms, traditions, customs
(accept one)
What marks the shift between prehistory and history?
What do ancient Egyptian, Greek, Indian, and Roman religions have in common?
polytheism (many gods)
What do we call the groups social structures divide people into? (Hint: "caste" is an example of one)
class (social or economic)
What was the name of the network that connected ancient China to the Mediterranean world?
The Silk Road
What was the ancient Greek city-state focused on theatre, democracy, philosophy, and the pursuit of knowledge?
What is the name of the world's first writing system developed in ancient Mesopotamia?
What two religions are at the source of the current conflict in the Middle East?
Islam, Judaism
What are the two main forms of government ancient Rome existed as?
republic, empire
In prehistoric times, how did most humans live?
as nomads, hunter-gatherers, foragers
(accept one)
The Acropolis
What is currently the most spoken language in the world?
Chinese (Mandarin)
What is currently the world's most practiced religion?
Technically speaking, what kind of government does the United States have?
a republic
What is the United States' main import? (Hint: It is also the Middle East's main export).
Oil, petroleum
Generally speaking, what "civilization" is the United States part of today?
Western Civilization, the Western World, etc.