Key 3
Other Help

Helps the SM by working directly with the youth. Attends PLCs, meetings, campouts etc...

Who is the Assistant Scout Master?


The council's employee who helps units in a specific district.

Who is the District Executive


Helps to keep notes, minutes and records of committee meetings and actions; maintains troop by-laws; does publicity and communication; works with outdoors chair to ensure insurance and medical forms are up to date.

Who is the troop Committee Secretary?


Reminds the adults in the troop to take Youth Protection Training annually. Maintains a list of trained adults; ensures that anyone attending 3 nights of camping in a year is registered and YPT trained; resolves any impediments to people taking YPT;ensures all activities and meetings follow YPT policies.

Who is the Youth Protection Champion?


Responsible for the program and image of the troop. Works directly with the youth, attends meetings, campouts, Round Tables, Troop Committee meetings, educates parents, delegates responsibilities, follows all BSA policies.

WH is the Scout Master (SM)?

A community organization who owns/sponsors the scout unit and approves all leaders.

What is the Charter Organization?


In charge of handling troop funds, pays bills, does book keeping, maintains backing records, supervises money earning projects and permissions; maintains scout accounts, helps prepare annual budget and reports budget info at each troop committee meeting.

Wh is the Troop Committee Treasurer?


Special event chair of anything that the troop wants to do like a service project or special camp, or ?

Who is the Special Event chairperson?


Elected or appointed by the youth to serve  for  6 months to a year. In charge of all troop equipment. Makes sure there is enough, it is clean and in good repair. Checks it in and out. Works with adult QM, PLC and troop committee to budget and purchase anything needed.

Who is the troop Quarter Master (QM)?


A member of the chartered organization who helps the troop and reports it's activities to the membership. Attends some committee meetings and is allowed access to all the online membership and leadership data and can change it. A member of the Unit Key 3.

Who is the Chartered Organization Representative?


Supports the advancement program; arranges for Boards of Review at least month; encourages scouts to advance; keeps advancement records current; updates books and scout book; makes sure courts of honor happen quarterly or 3 x a year; maintains merit badge counselor list; orders advancements with treasurer; reports to troop committee.

Who is the Troop Advancement Coordinator?

Ensure unit leaders are trained for their position; spreads the word about training opportunities; encourages PLC to plan for troop level leadership training.

Who is the Training Coordinator.


Elected by the members of their patrol to lead for a period of 6 moths to a year. Plans and conducts patrol meetings; leads in patrol communication; leads patrols in things like menu planning, shopping and on campouts. Attends PLC meetings.

Who is the Patrol Leader?


Registered adult leader who organizes the troop committee, facilitates it's meetings, interprets national policy to troop, interfaces with the COR,  ensures monthly Round Table participation, secures leadership for the troop, camps and is a member of the Key 3.

Who is the Troop Committee Chair?


Works with youth quarter master to insure troop gear is purchased, inventoried, clean, stored correctly and in good repair.

Who is the Adult Quarter Master  aka Equipment Coordinator?


Works with committee and SM/PLC to ensure recruitment and a smooth transition into the troop and scouting; arranges for parent information; follows up on lapsed scouts and encourages them to return; helps grow the troop. Might be the form person.

Who is the Membership Coordinator?


Elected by the troop and leader of the youth. Works with patrol leaders and other leaders to run the PLC, troop meetings, camp outs, events, service projects etc... Serves for 6 months to a year. Coached by the SM.

Who is the Senior Patrol Leader?


In charge of youth program; attends Committee meetings; a member of the troop's Key 3.

Who is the Scout Master?


Makes all the reservations and permits for troop camping and summer camp; promotes attendance at campouts and events; works with secretary to assemble med form and insurance and driving direction binder for SM/ASMs on trips.

Who is the Outdoor or Activities Coordinator?


Provides for all the scouts to grow spiritually; helps troop chaplin's aid plan Interfaith worship services on all camp outs; works to PR Scout Sunday (or Friday or Sat.); provides spiritual counseling when needed.

Who is the Chaplain?
