Where do most tigers live?
The United States of America!
How did Tristen tear his ACL
This Neil Diamond song is known by almost every Caucasian within the US
Sweet Caroline
The invention of this comfort device lead to significant migration within the US
Air conditioning
What is the leading cause of death in whales?
What is Tristen's favorite game?
The most streamed song of all time
If someone were to close their eyes and attempt to visualize an apple, if they were unable to do so, they would have this condition
What city does Tristen Currently live in?
This 13 minute song is a musical rendition of a famous poem
Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Iron Maiden
What president has given the shortest speech in US history?
inaugeral speech - George Washington, 135 words.
This proves the lack of correlation between body size and cancer risk
Peto's Phenomenon
What is the government name of Tristen's cat
This 2001 song reached #1 on the bilboard top 100 for heavy rock in 2025
One Last Breath - Creed
The United States has protected 13% of it's land. What % is this in the world?
This famous French Jester is in Balatro!
This year contains two of the hottest days ever recorded in Japan!
My mom's name is pronounced i-lee, how is it spelled?
This act is praised around the world, and is the golden standard around the world
American Disability Act
Duration of the longest fillabuster in US history
BONUS: what was it for?
24 Hours, 18 minutes