Who was the president that helped sadat and begin have peace with each other?
President Carter
What date, month , and year was president Sadat assassinated?
On October 6th 1981
What was the new speed limit even on long straight roads?
Fifty-five miles per hour.
What was the agreement sadat and begin agree on called?
Camp David Accords.
When did President Carter invite two leaders to meet with him? What month? What year?
September 1978
When the OPEC refuse to sell any oil to america what was that called?
"Oil Embargo"
What were the 3 countries that went to war during this time?
Israel and the Arab states of Syria, Egypt, and Jordan
What year did Begin and Sadat win the Nobel Peace Prize?
IN 1978
How much was gas per gallon in a few weeks which before it was twenty-five cents.
Over a dollar per gallon
The names of the territories Israel won in the Six-Days War.
Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, the west Bank of Jordan
How long did the OPEC refuse to sell oil to America?
(Answer from when it started to ended and say the month too)
October 1973 to March 1974
What signs did the U.S. put up when gas stations started to run out of gas? What was example in the book? (without looking)
What was the war the Unites States of America help Israel with? What was it called and how do you spell it?
Yom Kippur War.
In what year did the OPEC stop selling oil to the countries that had help Israel in the Yom Kippur War?
In 1960
What does OPEC stand for?
"Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries"