The character that informs Harry Potter that he is a wizard
Define the word Scapegoat
A person of group that bears the blame of another
Loves the color PURPLE
305 + x = 320
x = 15
Which homeroom is having a sale this week and what are they selling?
Cave - Pretzels
The position that Harry Potter plays on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team
List 5 synonyms for the word - Excited
Ex. Joyful, happy exuberant, elevated, thrilled - etc
Loves Baby Yoda
3x = 36
x = 12
When is Draw Big and how do I sign up?
Wednesday 3/11
On the easel in the front lobby
The name of the Ravenclaw ghost
The Grey Lady
Who is the author of the Harry Potter series?
J.K. Rowling
Loves Harrison Ford
15/x = 3
x = 5
When is Spirit Week?
3/16 - 3/20
What creature do students believe resides in the great lake of Hogwarts
A giant squid
Name 3 components of figurative language
similes, hyperbole, metaphors, imagery, onomatopoeia, personification, idioms, alliteration
Teaches or has taught English
2x + 3 = 9
x = 3
Name the 4 staff members that have been at HPS the longest
Mrs. Tardive, Mr. Loyd, Mr. Jacobson, Ms. Gurry
The number of extra house points Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville won at the end of the first year feast (in the first book)
Harry - 60
Ron - 50
Hermione - 50
Neville - 10
Name 3 Shakespeare plays
Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, Midsummer Night's Dream, Romeo and Juliet, Winter's Tale, Much Ado About Nothing, Julius Caesar, Twelfth Night, The Tempest, Henry IV, Taming of the Shrew
Is celebrating a birthday
3(x - 7) = 72
x = 31
What happened a year ago on this date? 3/5
Ms. Neary celebrated her Birthday - it happens every year!