Story of Jacob
What was the name of Jacob's uncle?
Who showed love and kindness in this story, a relative or an enemy
An enemy
How did the brothers show their anger and jealousy to Joseph?
They wanted to kill him
How long does God's love last
Why was Jacob able to patiently wait to marry Rebecca?
He loved her
What did the priest and Levite do when they saw the beaten man?
They walked on the other side of the road
Who suggested they should sell Joseph to the merchants instead
Because the love of God endures forever, what should we give?
Who helped the beaten man on the road to Jericho
A Samaritan
14 years
What happened to the man travelling on the road to Jericho?
He was robbed and beaten nearly to death
Why did Joseph's brothers go to Egypt?
To buy grain - there was a famine
Psalm 136 says God's love endures forever 6 times? 12 times? or 26 times?
26 times
How did Joseph show forgiveness to his brothers?
He cried and hugged them and said they should come to live in Egypt
Why did Laban give his first daughter to marry Jacob?
It was the custom for the oldest daughter to marry first.
What did the Samaritan do for the wounded man?
cleaned him up, took him to an inn, gave him money for his care
How many brothers went to Egypt?
Name 1 thing Psalm 136 says God did for His people?
gave them land for inheritance (or) freedom, (or) food
Based on the lessons, name one thing you can do to make a difference in this world?
Show love to others, show kindness, forgive others (any one)
Name 3 characteristics of love found in 1 Corinthians 13:4
Patient, Kind, does not envy, does not boast. (any 3)
Love does not..others, it is not.., it is not easily.., it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Cor. 13:5
provoke, self-seeking, angered
Love does not ... in evil but ... with the truth -1 Cor. 13:6
It always ..., always ..., always .., always ..." 1 Cor. 13:7
protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres
Why do you think Jesus used the Samaritan, the enemy of the Jews as an example of kindness?
To show them true love doesn't matter who you are or where your from