This person broke their teeth dressed up as snoop dogg
Who is Arnav?
This person is most likely to send a massive chain message for a holiday.
Who is Brent Van COCKlin (insert hella emojis)
This person said: "They only keep me around because I'm gay and kind of funny"
Who is Carson?
This ex fell on her face in Canada.
Who is Glennies ex Katherine?
Living life under the vine
Who is Kris?
This person's shacker walked home in a dinosaur costume.
Who is Lexis?
This person is most likely to eat an entire bottle of ketchup
Who is Marinna?
This person always says: "Dankeschön"
Who is Connor?
This ex is still a friend and big raver.
Who is Kyle's ex Gabriella?
Happy belated birthday Harold! I was going to post something last night but then things got a little rowdy but then I found this beauty this morning, featuring Connor's head. Hope you had fun last night dude and congrats again on beating teen pregnancy! Love ya dude
Who is Cody?
This person peed in their old bedroom by accident and woke up the person living there.
Who is Vinny?
This person is most likely to take an ice for fun.
Who is Brent?
This person said: "I've got Cummy in in my tummy"
Who is Harold?
This ex had a dog that was crazy
Who is Harold's ex Syrah
You only turn 12 once!
This person thought they had the clap... but it was really ecoli.
Who is Marinna?
This person is most likely to come out of their blackout while DJ'ing
Who is Arnav?
This person still uses the term "for sharks"
Who is Kyle?
This person's ex was a dawg
Who is Cody?
Poppin' off like fireworks
This persons first concert was the Jonas Brothers.
This person is most likely to work at Zumiez.
Who is Meagan?
This person said "Play YG, Play YG"
Who is Marinna at the dunes?
Daily Double: Name all of the True Americans who have slept with the great ex Sam Filingeri
Who is Spencer, Clacy, Glennie?
Throwback to killing it at Tolo
Who is Kyle?