What is the best way to STOP the spread of infection?
What color is the Emergency Preparedness Binder?
Where is our Compliant/Grievance Posting?
Bulletin Board
Who is considered a "mandated reporter"?
Who should you notify prior to administering a PRN?
What is the contact time for the purple sanitation wipes?
3 minutes
Who is able to have access to the Emergency Preparedness Binder?
What rights does HIPPA protect?
Person, Financial, Medical, or other private information.
In any organization, dissatisfaction may arise because an employee does not know, understand, or agree with certain policy interpretations or management decisions-what is this known as?
What report should you fill out after a fall?
Incident Report
When is an appropriate time to cap a needle?
What acronym should we use when initiating rescue steps in the event of a fire? AND what acronym should use to help extinguish a fire?
RACE (remove, alert, confine, evacuate)
Pass (pull, aim, squeeze, sweep)
True or False. Can a resident refuse to have a surveyor observe their cares?
Besides appropriate clothing attire, shoes, hair being pulled back, etc... What is also considered part of your dress code?
Name tag
What are the 5 rights of medication administration?
Right Person, Right Med, Right Dose, Right Time, and Right Route
What is the correct sequence when donning PPE?
Goggles, Gloves, Gown, Mask
Gown, Mask, Goggles/Face Shield, Gloves
In the event of an emergency who should you remove first?
First remove anyone in immediate danger regardless of level of assistance then move ambulatory, non-ambulatory, then bed bound.
What includes information such as the properties of each chemical; the physical, health, and environmental health hazards; protective measures; and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the chemical?
SDS Manual
IF calling in on your scheduled day, how many hours notice is requested prior to calling in?
At least 2
When a medication is scheduled at a certain time how soon/late can you give that medication?
1 hour before/after
What is the most common illness caused by bloodborne pathogens?
Hep B
If the fire alarm is sounding, where is the first place you would go?
Proceed to fire panel in main entrance.
If you do not know the answer to a question asked by a surveyor, what should your response be?
"I am not positive but I know who to go to/where to find that information".
How long after hire is your employment considered "at-will"?
Where can you access a residents POLST and/or Health Care Directive on rtasks?
Emergency File in resident profile.