Immediately after a game is won, band members help each other do this.
What is flip their capes?
This is the last song in the MI pregame show.
What is William Tell?
This bus nickname was earned because the trumpets like to be cozy.
What is Bus Onesie?
Bold ____. Such fun.
What is bovine?
This school THINKS it's Chicago's B1G school,,,, but it's actually not.
What is Northwestern?
After a game, the band parades to this building for the post-game concert.
What is the education building?
This the number of traditional songs that need to be memorized.
What is 8?
The MI witnessed the largest comeback in U of I history on this road trip.
What is Michigan State University?
This section likes to heckle the trumpets when they have done absolutely nothing wrong except be good at flip cup.
What is Drumline?
We were as bad as this school at sports, but now we're not.
What is Rutgers?
After hearing trumpet charge, the audience is encouraged to do this.
What is wash their hands?
This song, the Illinois State Song, is the inspiration behind Revised Entrance #3.
What is By Thy Rivers Gently Flowing?
Every 5 years the Marching Illini participates in this parade abroad.
What is the Dublin St. Patrick's Day Parade?
This tool is used by trumpet TA Sam Litt to intimidate members to be good.
What are scissors?
This is the number of schools that are actually in the Big Ten conference.
What is 14?
This special rehearsal happens once a year the Friday before the first game day.
What is Hats and Spats?
These three Illinois songs were combined to create the Three-in-One.
What is Pride of the Illini, March of the Illini, and Hail to the Orange?
This painful road trip overlapped with quad day 2018.
What is Springfield?
This is the remix of Oskee Wow Wow.
What is Oskee from the Drop?
This school's marching band tries too hard to be like OSU and it's sad.
What is Michigan State University?
The MI performs a concert for tailgaters before the game at a location named after this famous Illini football player.
Who is Red Grange?
What is Battle Hymn of the Republic?
In 2015 the MI performed in this iconic parade.
What is the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?
These people are the creators of the Marching Illili account.
Who is nobody really knows?
This school was showed up by us when we blasted pirates in their face.
What is (the) Ohio State University?