
T/F? Trust is not essential in friendships.

False, trust is an important element in friendships. 


You confided in your friend about your fear of clowns, and they decide to show up to your house in a clown costume. Should you trust them, why or why not?

No. You confided in them about your fears and they crossed your boundary. 


Your friend confides in you and you betray their trust by telling everyone their secret. In the future, what action could you take in building trust when your friend tells you a secret? 

What is Keep the secret? Do not share their personal business.. Especially without their permission


T/F Trust allows us to feel safe with friends; safe to make plans and safe to share ourselves and our lives.



You have a group of friends and you notice that one of your friends James is gossiping about your closest friend Mark. What would you as a trustworthy friend do? 

-Confront James.

-Inform Mark that James was talking about him. 


You tell your friend "You can do it! I believe in you". What action in building trust would this be considered as?

What is Encourage/Support? 


T/F Sharing something that a friend confided in us, can weaken the trust in a friendship.

True! You do not want betray your friends confidence. 


Your friend Jenny is late picking you up for class everyday. Would you trust her to get you to class on the day of your final exam. Why or Why not? 

No, she's unreliable. She never shows up on time. 


If your friend needs a few dollars for lunch, and you have the means to give it to them.  What action in building trust would this be considered (multiple possible answers)?

-What is Sharing?

-What is Offering help?

-What is Being considerate?


T/F Trust is when you feel unsafe and uncomfortable around your friends. 

False, you should always feel safe and comfortable around anyone you trust. 


You have a feeling of uneasiness when you're around your coworker John. He doesn't listen to you when you talk,  and he is pretty inconsiderate about talking over you. John asked you if you wanted to come over to play video games with him after work. Do you trust going to his house to play video games? Why or why not?

No. He's inconsiderate and possibly self centered. You are already uncomfortable around him. 


You decide to open up your busy schedule to hang out with your friend that is considered.. What action in building trust would this be considered as?

What is Making time?


T/F Demanding to build or deepen trust in the friendship is a great way to secure the foundation of trust.

False. Patience is required while building trust with friends, it will not be a fast process. 


You and Amy have been building your friendship. Amy continually tells you her secrets, makes time for you, as well as encourages you when you need support. What are 2 actions you can take to build trust?

- Keep a secret

-Be considerate

-Make time

-Offer help

-Share things




You are telling your friend about your horrible day. As you are talking your friend is not making eye contact, and is being very vague in their response to you. What action in building trust is the friend not displaying?  

What is Listening? The friend is not actively listening to you while you are talking. 
