In the Classroom #1
In the Classroom #2
Out of the Classroom #2
Collegiate Trivia

This person is a Spanish teacher in both the Middle and Upper School Divisions. She also advises in the Upper School. She has been at Collegiate for a loooong time: This will be her 29th year!

She is a mother of 4 and a grandma of 8. She loves teaching Spanish, reading, playing (and watching) soccer, traveling...And she speak several languages! (her students usually can guess which ones during the school year). Who is this adult?

It's Senora Epstein!


This person's job is to teach you how to say hola, gracias and por favor. She is also a 5th grade advisor and to Her son went to Collegiate and graduated in 2020. She has a granddaughter named Margot. She usually visits her country twice a year. She loves chocolate and doesn't understand baseball or American football but loves to watch soccer and Formula 1 races. Who is this adult?

It's Senora Sanchez!


This person's job is to help you with anything you might need. He listens to you if you’re feeling sad, worried, or have a problem. He can also help you learn how to solve problems, make friends, and do your best in school. His office is located on the 8th floor and houses a ton of fidget tools and board games. He enjoys watching anime (his favorite is One Piece), playing video games on his Nintendo Switch, and running. Who is this adult?

It's Mr. Tong!


When was the Collegiate school founded?



This person's taught at the school for over thirty years but has little gray hair (and doesn't dye it either). He's the smartest, most handsome, tallest, strongest, most athletic, most serious, and most wonderful person and teacher ever! (He's also the most humble.) What a guy! Who is this adult?

It's Jelly!


This person's job is to teach not only history, but also study skills, critical thinking, and academic writing. This teacher's specialty is ancient Greece and Rome, but loves talking about the Ottoman Empire, Napoleon, and the Industrial Revolution-- as well as watching any movie about the World Wars. (Dunkirk is a favorite.) This teacher also likes to knit, hike, read, and play board games. Who is this adult?

It's Dr. Davey!


This person loves to have fun, teaching sports, games, and fitness activities. He is a baseball fanatic, but also loves all sports that he teaches and watches. His office is located on L1 but you can mostly find him down on L2 in the gym or in the fitness room. He considers himself helpful, and a combination of lighthearted and at times, serious. Who is this adult?

It's Coach Paller!


What is the exact address of Collegiate?

301 Freedom Place South

New York, NY 10069


This person's job is to help you learn a different language. She makes her lessons fun with games and songs, ensuring you're challenged but also engaged. She frequently shares interesting facts about her country, which recently hosted the Olympic Games. Her classroom is located on the 8th floor, across from Mr. Tong’s office. She enjoys reading and running in her free time. Who is this adult?

It's Madame McGrath!


This person's job is to help you play a string instrument and to conduct the Collegiate orchestra. Her office is on the 4th floor, and she can help you read music, change a string on your cello, or tune your viola.  She enjoys running marathons and playing her violin! Who is this adult?

It's Dr. Jelinek!


This person’s job is to help you with anything that you may need.  She can help you find a classroom or a teacher, she can help you if Ms. Luisa is not available, she can help you organize your homework or your binder, she can provide you with a space if you need some quiet time to work or to think. She is very good at solving problems and listening to what you have to say. She is good at repairing broken objects.  Her adult son is a rapper and songwriter so she enjoys hearing any poetry or music you would like to share. Who is this adult?

It's Ms. Jill!


What are the three values of Collegiate?

Respect, Kindness, and Integrity

This person teaches middle school science to 5th and 7th grades. He is also a 5th grade advisor and coaches science olympiad after school. He likes to SCUBA dive and eat dessert -- especially ice cream! He's originally from Chicago. Who is this adult?

It's Mr. Siegel!


This person loves to play with numbers. She will help you solve a complex mathematical problem on the distribution of prime numbers (and perhaps win a million bucks for it!). She is on the 8th floor. She tried to square the circle but could not. She likes pasta and practicing kung fu.

Who is this adult?

It's Dr. La Nave


This person’s job helps you with clubs, recess, problem solving and other supports. She loves to box and her favorite team of all time is the Boston Celtics. She’s also a 3 time marathon runner and a triathlete. Who is this adult?

It's Ms. Battle!


How many students are there in the entire middle school?



This person's job is to help you use technology as a tool to have fun! He will teach you how to create your programs and projects using HTML, JavaScript, and Python. Outside the classroom, he enjoys golf, working on classic cars, coding, and building cool projects. Whether you're new to computer science or have experience, there's something for everyone to learn and develop. He's excited to see what you create this year! Who is this adult?

It's Mr. Love!



What is Mr. Tong's favorite drink?

Black coffee!


This adult is brand new to Collegiate and is the new head of school. Prior to Collegiate, she worked at Spence and the Marin Academy of California. She was originally an english teacher and enjoys reading books during her free time. Who is this adult?

It's Ms. Brizendine!


What are the two classrooms that surround Mr. Tong's office?

Room 801 and 802
