What do air brakes use to make the brakes work?
Compressed Air
What does the air compressor do?
Pumps air into the tanks (reservoir)
What does the safety valve do ?
Protects tank from too much pressure
What does the air pressure warning light do ?
Tells you when the air pressure is <55 psi
What does cut-out mean?
Stops compressor from pumping air
What are the three braking systems that make up the air brakes?
Service brakes, Parking Brakes, and Emergency brakes
What does the Governor do?
Tell the air compressor when to pump air into the tank
What does the brake pedal do ?
Use pressure to stop the CMV
What does the stop light switch do?
Lets other drivers know that you are braking
What does cut-in mean?
Allow air to start pumping again
What does the service brake do?
Apply the brakes when you press the brake pedal
What does the storage tank do ?
Holds compressed air
What is another term for the brake pedal?
Foot/Treadle Valve
What do the spring brakes do?
Use mechanical force to hold parking and emergency brakes
What is the cut-out level for compressed air?
125 pounds per square inch (psi)
What does the parking brake do?
Apply the parking brake when you use the feature to stop the CMV from rolling away
What does the air tank drains do?
Hold water and oil from compressed air
What does the Supply Pressure Gauge do?
Tell you how much pressure is in the tank for your trip
What does the Anti-Lock Braking System do?
Keeps wheels from locking up when you brake too hard
What is the cut-in level for compressed air?
100 pounds per square inch (psi)
What does the emergency brakes do?
Use parts of the service and parking systems to stopped the CMV is the brakes fail
What does the alcohol evaporator do ?
Put alcohol into the system to reduce the risk of ice
What does the application pressure gauge do?
Tells you how much pressure you are applying to the brakes
What does psi stand for ?
Per square inch
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