what does it mean to be honest?
Being honest means telling the truth and not lying or hiding information.
if you read a headline that says “My Dog Can Talk!” is that probably true or fake?
dogs can’t talk (but wouldn't that be cool?).
It’s okay to tell a lie if you don’t think anyone will find out.
True or False?
Even if no one finds out, lying can still hurt people and cause problems later. It's always better to tell the truth!
What makes a news source trustworthy?
A good news source tells you where they got their info from, doesn’t lie, and is clear about what’s fact and what’s not.
if a video has a fancy filter or effect, does that mean it's real? true or false
False! Just because something looks cool or has special effects doesn’t mean it’s real. Always check the facts!
Why is it important to always be truthful?
Telling the truth helps people trust you and helps makes relationships stronger.
Which of these sounds like fake news?
a) Scientists discovered a new planet
b) Unicorns Found Living in Alaska
b) Unicorns Found Living in Alaska. Sorry, no unicorns.
You can survive without food for weeks.
True or False?
False! You can survive for a while without food, but not forever. So, eat your veggies!
Why should you always check where the news is coming from?
Because you gotta make sure it's the real deal before believing it!
How can you check if a celebrity story is true?
Check other trusted websites or news sources. If everyone’s saying the same thing, it’s probably true. If only one site is talking about it, maybe it’s a rumor.
How does telling the truth help solve problems?
Telling the truth allows others to understand the situation and find the best solution.
If you're not sure if something you read is true, what should you do?
Ask an adult, or check if other reliable websites or news sources say the same thing. Don’t just believe the “I saw it on the internet” excuse.
You can believe everything you read online.
True or False?
False. The internet is full of some really weird stuff. Always check if it’s from a trusted source!
What’s the difference between a fact and an opinion in the news?
A fact is something that’s proven true, like “Water boils at 100°C.” An opinion is something someone feels, like “Chocolate ice cream is the best flavor.”
If you see a story with lots of pictures, does that mean it’s real?
True or false
False! Pictures can be edited or taken out of context. Just because there are pictures doesn’t mean the story is true. Always verify the facts!
How can being honest help you with your friends?
Being honest makes your friendships stronger. Plus, friends like knowing they can count on you to tell the truth, even if you accidentally spilled juice on their favorite book.
What is “clickbait”?
Clickbait is when a headline is so crazy, like “You won’t believe what happened next!” just to get you to click. Spoiler: the article probably doesn’t live up to the title.
Only one source of news is enough.
True or False?
False. It’s good to check different sources, like having more than one friend to ask about homework!
Why should you avoid news that doesn't tell you who wrote it?
If they don’t tell you who they are, how do you know they’re not a secret robot spreading fake info?
Why should you check facts before sharing something?
Because if you share something that’s not true, you might accidentally be the one spreading fake news—and no one wants to be the culprit of that!
What should you do if you catch someone lying?
You can talk to them calmly and help them understand why telling the truth is better than getting caught in a web of lies.
Why is it important to question things that sound too good to be true?
Because sometimes people make stuff up just to trick you into buying things or believing something that's not true, like "red bull gives you wings"
You should always share something on social media if you’re not sure if it’s true.
True or False?
False! Only share things that you’re sure are true. Otherwise, you might accidentally spread fake news like a prank that went viral.
How can you tell if a website is a good news source?
A good website will have a real "About Us" page, reliable authors, and be clear about where their info comes from. It’s like checking the ingredients on a cereal box!
What’s the best way to check if something you see online is real?
Ask questions! If it sounds too weird to be true, it probably isn’t. Double-check by looking at reliable websites or asking a trusted adult.