Cost and Financial Aid
Campus Resources
College Life

The FAFSA form is free to fill out.

What is Fact? (FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid.)


The campus library is just for checking out books.

What is Myth? (Campus libraries offer study spaces, textbook borrowing, research assistance from librarians, technology rentals including using computers and printing services, and access to online databases.)


You must know your major before you apply to college.

What is a myth? (Many students declare their major after exploring different fields during their first year or two.)


You should only focus on academics once at school

What is a myth! There is tons to do on campus like joining clubs and attending campus events


YPIE continues to help students while they are in college.

What is fact?  Every student is assigned a College Success Advisor to help them throughout college.


College is too expensive for most people to afford.

What is a myth? (There are many financial aid options available to help make college more affordable.)


Campus counseling services are confidential and available to all students if you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious or need someone to talk to. 

What is Fact? (Campus counseling services provide confidential support for mental health and personal issues and are available to all students.)


All college professors are too busy to help students outside of class.

What is Myth? (Professors often have office hours to help students and answer questions.)


If you live on campus, you never come home.

What is myth? College students have lots of time off (winter and summer break, etc.).  College academic calendars outline dates and times students are off and can come home.


If I don't understand something in college, like my student bill, or have a question about one of my classes, I can ask my YPIE College Success advisor. 

What is fact? YES! YPIE College Success advisors are here to advise, guide, and support you throughout college!


You should only apply to colleges you can afford without financial aid.

What is a myth? (Many students receive financial aid, making expensive colleges more accessible.)


Academic advising is only for picking classes.

What is Myth? (Academic advisors help with career planning, study strategies, navigating university policies, and course selection.)


Participating in class discussions can help improve your grades.

What is Fact? (Active participation can enhance your understanding of the material and contribute positively to your final grade.)


Students have an opportunity to join a learning community in the dorms at some colleges. 

What is fact? Learning communities or theme housing is available at some colleges. Examples arts, health and wellness, first gen, community service-based, etc. 


YPIE helps students renew their financial aid every year they are in college.

What is fact? YPIE helps students renew their financial aid every year they are in college.


Scholarships are only for students with high grades or athletic abilities.

What is a myth? (Scholarships are available for various talents, interests, and demographics.)


Tutoring services are only for students who are failing.

What is Myth? (Tutoring services are for all students, whether they need help understanding a concept or want to improve their grades.)


You need to be a genius to succeed in college.

What is Myth? (Success in college often depends on time management, study habits, and seeking help when needed, not just intelligence.)

Students can work on campus and get paid.

What is fact?  Students can participate in work-study or apply for on-campus jobs.


YPIE does not offer programs for college students.

What is myth? YPIE has a monthly Commuter Club for local college students, a Career Week in January to expose students to different career pathways and a chance to network with professionals in various fields, and FAFSA events to help students renew their financial aid each year.


In-state colleges are always cheaper than out-of-state colleges.

What is a myth? (Some out-of-state colleges offer competitive tuition rates and excellent financial aid packages.)


You must have a visible disability to receive support from the Office of Accessibility Services.

What is Myth? (The Office of Accessibility Services provides support for both visible and invisible disabilities, including learning disabilities, mental health conditions, and chronic illnesses.)


You have to know your career path before choosing a major.

What is Myth? (Many students explore different fields and change majors before deciding on a career path.)


Joining clubs and organizations can help you make friends in college.

What is a fact? (Clubs and organizations are great for building connections and enhancing your college experience.)


YPIE has a college signing celebration where you can sign the college signing wall.

What is fact? YPIE celebrates its students committing to college with a fun celebration at the College Zone.  Students are encouraged to wear college gear or college colors to represent their school.
