Chap. 25 - Chap. 29
Chap. 25 Amelia. (Worried, Nervous)
I woke up. Bright lights were shining in my eyes, and I was wearing a blue hospital gown. Yep, I was in the hospital. I don’t know how I got here, but the last thing I remember- the last thing I remember was- I can’t remember. I mean I can remember life details like how I'm friends with Alina, but I don’t remember how I got here.
“Oh, thank goodness you're awake!” Mom said.
“What happened? Why am I here?!” I said with panic in my voice. She sighed looking down.
“I’m honestly not sure,” She said.
Chap. 30 Lillith. (Formal, Sad)
I was sitting in the teacher’s lounge discussing the meaning of life with Ray when a little girl walked in. I smiled, trying not to be frightening. I think she saw my fangs cause she screamed when I smiled at her. She pointed at Ray And started crying.
“You- youwr- te won mey siswer- wa- was twalking abouw!” she said, “You- you a cwrime Bwoss!” and then she screamed. It was a high-pitched noise. I looked over, Ray was hanging upside down mid-air. Two people walked in, one looked exactly like Ray, and the other had white hair and a cold stare. The one with white hair gasped and ice shot across the room hitting the wall. The little girl looked at the ice, and Ray fell to the floor.
“OOOOOOOOWWWWW!! What the heck! Jeiz kid; harsh,” Ray said. Suddenly the kid's face went a ghostly pale and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Then she fell over.
Chap. 26 Alina. (Disapproving, Nervous)
I sat in the third-grade classroom with third graders staring at me awkwardly. I had explained to the teacher that it was a bet I made with my brother and for some reason, she agreed to let me stay in the classroom and do his school work. For some reason, people had been agreeing with me more often than normal. I sat there doing multiplication problems. I was told not to answer the questions aloud, so they gave me a multiplication sheet. Suddenly my phone rang, I answered it.
“They won’t let me try to do algebra!” My brother complained.
“Let me talk to them,” I said. I heard some shuffling as he handed the phone to the teacher.
“He needs to complete the bet, so let him do the STUPID ALGEBRA!” I yelled into the phone. There was silence.
“Ok,” The teacher said.
Chap. 31 Marty. (Sad, Disapproving)
I saw the crime boss whose name was Ray or Raya or something like that. She was walking in the road and a black truck smacked right into her, blood oozed out of her. Next was the vampire lady. Dark magic filled her eyes and seeped out of her. Suddenly a burst of light energy hit her and then she was gone. Then there was the girl with the white hair was on top of a building, then she jumped. And that was the last thing I saw. I blinked, having woken up.
“Youw, your dwead?” I asked.
“If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me,” the vampire lady said.
Ray just shrugged like it was no big deal.
“ I’m a spirit, a crime boss, and a twin sister,” She said blushing and fanning herself with her hand.
“ Wait, y-you-you’re a spirit? OMG, we are undead buddies!?” The vampire screamed excitedly. Ray blushed, and so did Lillith. There was an awkward silence. Ice hit the wall, and then I realized I was floating The white-haired kid.
“Oops sorry,” I said. She glared at me, giving me the death stare
Chap. 27 Jacob. (None)
I was walking down the hospital halls and ran straight into this really pretty girl.
“Oh! I’m sorry!” she said. I blushed.
“That was my fault, I wasn’t paying attention &-”
“There’s no need to blame one of us. It was both our fault,” she cut me off.
“I’m Jacob, Jacob Write. You might have heard that before,” I said.
“Jacob. Jacob. Write. Oh! Jacob Write, brother of Amelia Write! I’m Autumn” She said excitedly.
“Um excuse me on your ‘cute introduction moment’ but we are here to check on your sister, although I’m the one who has actually met her before, so yeah,” A girl standing behind Autumn said. My face went dark red.
“Aaaand what’s your name?!” I asked.
“Fawn,” The girl said.
“ I’ll put that name on my ‘if I ever become a murder: who I would kill’ list,” I said back. I cringed at myself. That sounded so dumb.
“It sounded better in my head,” I said. Fawn stared at me with her hand on her hip.
“Mhmm,” She said.
“Now where’s Amelia?” Fawn asked.
Chap. 28 Xena. ( Confident, Sad, Disaproving)
I walked through the library browsing the books when this girl with two books froze to her hands, started crying.
“Are you ok?!” I asked, confused.
“DO I LOOK OK!” she yelled. Ice swelled around her hands, keeping the books steadily intact.
“I’m sorry Is there any way I can help?” I asked, glancing at her hands.
“I’m sorry I’m weird!” she cried.
“You’re not weird it’s just-”
“ I get it, I am weird” she cut me off.
“ It’s not every day you see somebody with ice powers,” I mumbled.
“What did you say?!” she said loudly.
“I said, it’s not every- umm never mind,” I caught myself before I said it again.
“Alright. Now can you help me with these books?” she asked, nodding toward the books frozen to her hands.
Chap. 29 Ray. ( Worried, Sad, Nervous)
Lillith and I were in the teachers’ lounge eating soggy potato chips and strawberries. Of course; I was the only one eating the potato chips because:
They are soggy
Apparently, she can only eat ‘red things’
So, she sat there eating strawberries while I was stuck eating the soggy potato chips.
“How do I eat these?” I asked.
“I don’t know. I’ve never eaten potato chips, let alone soggy ones,” she said.
“ I would die with all those food restrictions,” I said.
“I would too. Wait, I can’t die,” She said.