Terrible stuff-just for fun!
Parts of the Cell
Special parts of the cell
Parts of the cell #2
Just stuff

Trypanosoma's actual name it's known by

What is the African-sleeping sickness?


This part controls the cell

What is the Nucleus?


A thin skin or film, scum

What is pellicle?

Holds and stores proteins inside cell
What is the vacuole?

Inventor of the microscope; also discovered living cells.

Who was Anton Van Leeuwenhoek?


The readily stainable substance of a cell nucleus, consisting of DNA, RNA, and various proteins, that forms chromosomes during cell division.

What is chromatin?


That small thing inside of the nucleus

What is the Nucleolus?


An organelle of locomotion in certain whip-like parasites consisting of a fin extension of the cytoplasmic membrane with the flagellar sheath.

What is the Undulating Membrane?


A network of tubular membranes within the cytoplasm of the cell, occurring either with a smooth surface or studded with ribosomes, involved in the transport of materials.

 What is Endoplasmic Reticulum-smooth and rough


Discovered cells and gave them that name

Who was Robert Hooke?


Trypanosoma's definition in different words

*informational, not point worthy!

What is parasitic flagellate protozoans that infest the blood of various vertebrates including humans, are usually transmitted by the bite of an insect, and include some that cause serious diseases (such as sleeping sickness and Chagas disease)


Jelly like substance that takes in food from sunlight

What is cytoplasm?


 a long, lash-like appendage serving as an organ of locomotion in protozoa

What is a flagellum?


An organelle, consisting of layers a filmy substance that takes up and processes vitamins from the endoplasmic reticulum and then either releases the finished products into various parts of the cell cytoplasm or secretes them to the outside of the cell.

What is Golgi Bodies?


Was a german botanist and discovered that all plants are made up of living cells

Who was Matthias Jakob Schleiden?


A cell organelle containing enzymes that digest particles and that disintegrate the cell after its death!


What is a Lysosome?


outer structure that's only on a plant cell

What is the cell wall?


1. The outer portion of the cytoplasm of a cell.

 2. The inner portion of the cytoplasm of a cell.

 3. A small granular cell body close to the nucleus in some flagellate protozoans.

4.(sorry, ran out of columns + if you get this 100% correct, extra 100 points!) A basal body that is a protein structure found at the base of a eukaryotic flagellum. 

What is ectoplasm?

What is Endoplasm?(If this repeated, my bad!)

What is Kinetoplast?

What is Basal body?


An organelle in the cytoplasm of cells that functions in energy production.

What is Mitochondrion?


Discovered all plant tissues are made of living cells. Wrote first two parts of cell theory

Who was Theodor Schwann?


A small region near the nucleus in the cell cytoplasm, containing the centrioles.

What is the centrosome?


Outer structure that controls what goes in and out of the cell. On both cells.

What is the cell membrane?


Storage granule. Otherwise known as zymogen granules or condensing vacuoles. 2. Granules found in plastids or in cytoplasm, assumed to be food reserves, often of glycogen or other carbohydrate polymer. BONUS!!!!!! (if you get this 100% correct, add an extra 100 to the 500 points!!)

What are reserve food granules?


A small, cylindrical organelle, seen near the nucleus in the cytoplasm of most eukaryotic cells, that divides in perpendicular fashion during mitosis-identical in internal structure to a basal body.

What is a centriole?


Showed the origins of cells was the division of pre-existing cells. (Or stated that all new living cells come from old cells.) Also wrote the third part of cell theory.

Who was Rudolf Virchow?
