Educational Background
Unique Work Experience/past roles
Life Experience: Strength/skill you gain from life experience
Hobbies: Skill/strength you learned from a hobby
Aspirational: a skill or strength you want learn/gain

This person has a background in 3D modeling.

What is Bryan Kirsten's background?


This person worked as a machinist in their previous life

What is Rob Clare's unique work experience?


Playing professional sports has taught this person the importance of mentorship and perseverance

What is Matthew Botros's exceptional life experience?


Although this person has a Master's in Chemistry they didn’t appreciate the scientific method until they started making their own beer.

What is Fraser Waldie's skill/strength learned from a hobby?


The ability to influence people to go beyond their current level is considered a strong leadership trait. This person is looking to improve that ability.

What is Jamie Marler's aspirational skill/strength?


This person has a MBA in Marketing

What is Erica Canavesi's background?


This person worked on linear programming and optimization models.

What is Sabrina Giovinazzo's unique work experience?


Many life experiences has taught this person the important skill of asking questions to learn as much as you can

What is Rosiane Rowlette's strengths gained from life experience?


Many outdoor adventures have showed this person the importance of planning and how plans can go side ways.

What is Dave Sullivan's skill/strength learned from a hobby?


Negotiations are often full of emotions and this person would like to improve their negotiation skills

What is Owen Lightbody's aspirational skill/strength?


The study of animal science helped this person develop skills in advanced problem solving. They are also an expert in multivariant analysis.

What is Ian Gibbons's background?


Working as a Barista at Star bucks was the "BEST JOB EVER"

What is Bronwyn Gillon's unique work experience?


This person developed a critical skill of open mindedness as they have traveled the world through out their life.

What is Jenny Arbon's strengths gained from life experience?


Life's great joy of being a parent has taught this person the true meaning of Patience

What is Carmine D'Agostino's skill/strength learned from a being a parent?


The challenge of computer programming and learning the logic has this person interested in learning it.

What is Dan Ward's aspirational skill/strength?


In addition to their Science background this person is trained in lean six sigma

What is Chris Hung's background?


This person's vaste experience has made them a jack of all trades: Blow molding / Injection molding / roto molding / pipe / sheet, film / pelletizing / compounding -  machine experience/ Lab / Technical / Sales / marketing rep

What is Laurie Douglas's unique work experience?


My Ph.D focused in numerical methods but I first had to learn construction skills

What is Stephon Salomons unique skills developed from a life experience?


Although Simon Sinek appeals greatly to Millennials this leader also believes you must follow in order to successfully lead.

What is Paul Tas's skill/strength learned from life?


Like a number of us this person wants to improve their business and economic acumen.

What is Sierra Ross's aspirational skill/strength?


Although this person have multiple technical engineering degrees they also have a Master's Degree in Business

What is Majid Hoseini's background?


I worked 15, 12 hr night shifts in a row once down in Houston supporting an experimental commercial scale up on a loop slurry reactor.

What is James Bryant's unique work experience?


Backpacked Europe for 6 months, was kicked off the island of IOS by the local mafia, was effectively mugged in Egypt, fined by the police in Hungary, fell in love in Spain, almost jailed in Italy ...

What is Adam Lefebvre's exceptional life experience?


This person helps do company valuations (using discounted, fundamental and technical methods) on small businesses and public companies for a small investors club

What is Dustin Turgeon's skill/strength learned from a hobby?

or we will accept, Who am I going to for investment advise?


Public speaking and presenting is a focus skill this person wants to improve.

What is Greg Courtney's aspirational skill/strength?
