When the block area is full Raul , looks to see what other areas are available. What level you will assign this kid?
A) level 2 a. Manages feelings
B) level 4a. Manages feelings
C) level 6 a. Manages feelings
It's level 6 a. Manages feelings , Is able to look at a situation differently or delay gratification
nap time: true or false
The atmosphere should be clam and conductive to rest or sleep. The lighting must be dim at nap time time but must be bright enough for supervision of children.
True, Rule 2.329. Sleep time. G
1) Responsative relationships : support conversations
2) Responsative relationships: positive attention
It;s 2 , in the pivotal practices checklist mention that teachers should Joining children's play and support and expand their interactions with peers, andcommunicative using alternative strategies with children who are non-verbal, have a language delay , or speak English as a second language.
During small groups Ruby Claps each syllable of name, Tri-na • Puts together pen and cil to say pencil • Puts together foot and ball to say football
this child should be assigned to:
1) Objective 15 Demonstrates phonological awareness c. Notices and discriminates smaller and smaller units of sound. level 7
2)Objective 15 Demonstrates phonological awareness c. Notices and discriminates smaller and smaller units of sound. Level 3
3) Objective 15 Demonstrates phonological awareness c. Notices and discriminates smaller and smaller units of sound. Level 4
Answer is 3) Objective 15 Demonstrates phonological awareness c. Notices and discriminates smaller and smaller units of sound. Hears and shows awareness of separate syllables in words.Level 4
In snack time Jose Talks about having friends and what friends do togeth. Then during outdoor play and centers he Seeks out particular friend on a regular basis. What level you will put the child?
1) Making friend. Not Yet
2) Making fried. Level 4
3) Making friend level 6
Response is
3) Making friend level 6, Objective 2 Establishes and sustains positive relationships
Guadalupe during small groups was cutting a shape and she Uses correct scissors grip, and she can Arranges small pegs in pegboard • Strings small beads In what level you will assign the kid?
A) level 2. a. Uses fingers and hands. Reaches for, touches, and holds objects purposefully
B) Level 4. a. Uses fingers and hands. Uses fingers and whole-arm movements to manipulate and explore objects
C)level 8 a. Uses fingers and hands. Uses small, precise finger and hand movements.
It's Objective 7 Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination level 8 a. Uses fingers and hands. Uses small, precise finger and hand movements.
true or false
Todddlers must be stay in their cot as soon the waking up.
toddlers must be allowed to leave their sleeping area immediately upon waking. Rule 2.223 physical care supervision B. Infant and toddler programs 4.a
True or false:
The following should be used by a teacher:
Provide a whole class warning or cue prior moving from one activity to another. Teach the specific steps and expectations for moving to another activity and provide individual support to children who have difficulty to move from another activity.
For what:
1) transitions
2) Problem solving skills
3) collaborative teaming
The response is 1)Transitions . The pivotal practices checklist mention that teachers should provide a whole class warning or cue prior moving from one activity to another. Teach the specific steps and expectations for moving to another activity and provide individual support to children who have difficulty to move from another activity.
When a child: Stays on topic during conversations • Maintains the conversation by repeating what the other person says or by asking questions
1) a. Engages in conversations, level 6
2)a. Engages in conversations, level 8
3) a. Engages in conversations, level 4
1)Objective 10 Uses appropriate conversational and other communication skills a. Engages in conversations, Engages in conversations of at least three exchanges. Level 6
IF child Takes care of personal belongings.What level he or she should be?
1) level 8
2) level 6
3) level 4
Response is: 1) level 8
Objective 1 Regulates own emotions and behaviors c. Takes care of own needs appropriately, Takes responsibility for own well-being
Patricia was in the writing center during centers, and she was playing with the plastic letters with her peers. SHe can Recognizes and names as many as 10 letters, especially those in own name.
In what level you will placed her?
1) b. Uses letter–sound knowledge, level 8
2)b. Uses letter–sound knowledge, level 6
3)b. Uses letter–sound knowledge, level 4
Responce is
3) Objective 16 Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet, b. Uses letter–sound knowledge, level 4
True or false
children over 4 years may apply sunscreen to themselves under the direct supervision of staff member
true. regulation 2.221 sun protection. E
True or false:
Teachers should be using the following in the classroom:
The major events of the day (listed in the first column) form their own routine, but each event also comprises a consistent series of activities (listed in the second column). Break each of these activities down one step further.
True: Yes, the pivotal practices checklist mention that using Routine of the routine is helps the kids to feel secure and understand expectations.And should be used consistanly on a day to day basis
IF a child do: Steps forward to throw ball and follows through • Catches large ball with both hands • Strikes stationary ball • Bounces and catches ball • Kicks moving
You will put that child in Wich level:
1) Reaches, grasps, and releases objects, level 2
2) Manipulates balls or similar objects with stiff body movements, level 4
3) Manipulates balls or similar objects with a full range of motion, level 8
3) Objective 6 Demonstrates gross-motor manipulative skills, anipulates balls or similar objects with a full range of motion, level 8
• Points to groups of animals and says, “These are zoo animals and these are farm animals”; then sorts the zoo animals into those with stripes and those without stripes. What level you will place this child
1) level 6
2) level 4
Response is 1) level 6, Objective 13 Uses classification skills,Groups objects by one characteristic; then regroups them using a different characteristic and indicates the reason
Bianca during centers, she Writes some letters correctly • Writes letters in unconventional order
A) Objective 19 Demonstrates emergent writing skills a. Writes name, level 2
B)Objective 19 Demonstrates emergent writing skills a. Writes name, level 4
C)Objective 19 Demonstrates emergent writing skills a. Writes name, level 8
It's Objective 19 Demonstrates emergent writing skills a. Writes name, level 4Letter strings • Writes some letters correctly • Writes letters in unconventional order
True or false.
Sunscreen can be applied 20 minutes before go outside and it's need to be documented the time ?
False. Regulation 2.221 sun proctetion B.1. The center must have a mechanism for documenting application times to ensure suncreen is applied, and ensure the sunscreen needs to be applied 30 minutes before going outside.
Please mention one peer mediated skills
1) getting your friend attention
2) Sharing giving toys
3) Sharing a requesting toys
4)giving compliments
when a child performed one of the following :to place with control • Runs • Avoids obstacles and people while moving • Starts and stops using wheelchair • Walks up and down stairs alternating feet • Climbs up and down on playground equipment • Rides tricycle using pedals • Gallops, but not smoothly.
You assigned this child to :
1) level 2,Moves to explore immediate environment
2) level 4,Experiments with different ways of moving
3) level 6, Moves purposefully from place to place with control
4) level 8,Coordinates complex movements in play and games
Response is :3) level 6, Moves purposefully from place to place with control. Objective 4 Demonstrates traveling skills
During story time We where reading the book the cat in the hat , and Gloria Completes the rhyme in the phrase, “The fat cat sat on the ____ (mat).” What level she needs to be placed ?
1) level 3
2) level 4
3) level 6
The correct response is level 4,Objective 15 Demonstrates phonological awareness a. Notices and discriminates rhyme
Jiamena during music and movement, Sings, “I’m bringing home a baby bumble bee…” In what level she will need to be assigned
A) Objective 15 Demonstrates phonological awareness, b. Notices and discriminates alliteration, level 2.
B)Objective 15 Demonstrates phonological awareness, b. Notices and discriminates alliteration, level 4.
C)Objective 15 Demonstrates phonological awareness, b. Notices and discriminates alliteration, level 6.
A) Objective 15 Demonstrates phonological awareness, b. Notices and discriminates alliteration, level 2.Sings songs and recites rhymes and refrains with repeating initial sounds • Sings, “I’m bringing home a baby bumble bee…”
True or false
Children’s hand washing must be supervised and taught. Children and staff must follow proper hand washing guidelines before preparing and eating food, after toileting or diapering, after wiping noses, during field trips, after handling animals or animal supplies, after contact with bodily fluids or secretions and any other time the hands become soiled or contaminated. It’s best practice to ask parents and children to wash hands before entering the classroom.
Rule.2.324, 2,a,b,c
Please explain what it's the purpose of you as teacher using the emotional/ piggy bank
it's a way to make connections with children as deposit as they showing warmth and affection. This emotional bank has to use consistently
• Gives another child a ball when asked • Makes room on the sofa for a child who wants to look at the book with him.
1) level 2. Responds appropriately to others’ expressions of wants
2) level 4. Takes turns
3) level 6.Initiates the sharing of materials in the classroom and outdoors
Response is
1) level 2. Responds appropriately to others’ expressions of wants, Objective 3 Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations a. Balances needs and rights of self and others
At small groups We were playing What;s missing. Lucas can Identifies four objects taken away while playing “What’s Missing?
1) level 3
2) level 6
3) level 8
response is
2) level 6. Objective 12 Remembers and connects experiences a. Recognizes and recalls,Tells about experiences in order, provides details, and evaluates the experience; recalls 3 or 4 items removed from view