Job Prep and Development
Supported Employment
Temporary Work Experience
Systematic Instruction
Christmas Fun

This is needed to bill the final month of retention?

What is wage verification?


To complete this service, the service provider will have several meetings (three or more) with the consumer and identified members of the consumer's supported employment team. These meetings will take place in an integrated community setting of the consumer's choice to allow for observation of the consumer's interactions with others and to identify strengths and barriers. The consumer should be asked to identify other individuals to interview who have knowledge of the consumer, their past experiences, support strategies, and other resources needed to assist in long-term employment.

What is the career profile?


Monday by 5pm

When are Opp Inc timesheets due?


SI stands for _____ ________.

What is systematic instruction?


This reindeer may not have been liked by his friends, but Santa sure loved him on the foggy nights!

Who is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?

The Job Preparation and Development Plan is reviewed and updated every _______ days.

What is 90?


This report needs to be completed prior to requesting additional hours.

What is the job and task analysis report?


This is the timeframe Opp Inc has given for them to process paperwork.

What is five business days?


This service does not require you to request a specific amount of hours for coaching.

What is supported employment SI?


This magical household figure moves from room to room, helping Santa by making sure children are being good.

What is the Elf on the Shelf?


The service provider and consumer are working together on a regular basis to seek out and apply for jobs. Activities include:

  • Consumer and service provider making contacts with potential employers based on consumer's needs
  • Service provider assisting consumer with completion of job applications, needed resume modifications, and interview preparation
  • Contact between the consumer and service provider in person, virtually, by phone or email, not less than two times per month

What is job development?


This is the purchase order requested when coaching is NOT needed for supported employment.

What is SE Retention services?


These are the people who need to sign the TWA.

Who is EC, VRC, employer and Consumer/Guardian? 


These are the required documents for the SI binder.

What is consumer bio/coaching request, JTA, schedule, SI reports, notes, incident reports, case notes and EC contact information. 


This catch 1994 Christmas tune is the best-selling Christmas single ever recorded by a female artist, as well as being one of the highest-selling singles in music history.

 What is “All I Want for Christmas is You”?


This is the final step in the job prep process.

What is a scheduled meeting with VRC, EC, Consumer and team to review the plan?


These are the required documents for a Supported Employment prep.

What is a sample job application, Resume, List of references, and Cover letter


These are the required documents that need to be submitted to Opportunities Inc.

What are benefit election form, direct deposit, I9, W4, TWA and wages PO?

*Extra point if work permit is listed as this is a requirement of Opp Inc for Consumers under 15 years of age.

The process of setting up SI.

What is reaching out to the main office with request information, followed by official request to main office with SI report template?


These three words are what best describe the Grinch, “and I quote.”

What are stink, stank, and stunk?


These are the documents needed to successfully bill a job prep report.

What are:

  • Sample job application
  • Resume
  • Cover letter
  • List of references
  • Job Center of Wisconsin registration and verification of uploaded resume (service provider must describe the assistance they provided with this task)
  • Interview preparation, including materials and logistics
  • Employment eligibility verification (I-9) and tax forms

DVR should be notified as soon as possible (within _?_ days) to review the job to ensure that the potential position meets the job goal and to authorize Job Retention services, Job/Task Analysis and Monthly Systematic Instruction or supports via Partners with Business

What is five business days?


These are the requirements to bill a completed TWE.

What are the SI reports (if needed), end of TWE placement report and a meeting with DVR?


Five days following the end of coaching.

What is when reports are due?


This is what Frosty's nose.

What is a button?
