What is cholecystitis?
What is Inflammation of the gallbladder.
What is the FIRST step of the procedure for a M.A when preparing to administer an intramuscular injection to a pt?
What is Verify the patient name, date of birth and medication allergies
What legal issue is defined as dereliction of duty by physician to patient?
What is Malpractice
Which body system is being tested by a spirometry?
What is Respiratory system
What activity is a violation of lab safety requirements?
What is eating and drinking
Sickle cell anemia primarily affects which ethnic group?
What is African American
When a patient's report is received in the office, what should a medical assistant do?
What is Date, Time, and file in chart
Which part of the nervous system consists of nerves that branch out from the brain and spinal cord?
What is the Peripheral
What condition is characterized by an increase of pressure in the eye?
What is Glaucoma
What is the correct ratio of bleach to water for a solution to clean a blood spill?
What is 1:10
What manual would be used to code an EKG procedure?
What is CPT
What is the appropriate method to open a person's airway?
What is Head tilt, Chin lift
What behavior should the MA recognize if alcohol is noticed on a pt's breath at f/u visit after the dx of terminal illness?
What is defensive mechanism
Which body system is most affected by emphysema?
What is Respiratory
What is the primary purpose of draping a patient during a physical exam?
What is Provides comfort and modesty for the patient
What must the patient pay to the provider for services before health insurance benefits begin?
What is deductible
What information is required on a referral form?
What is Patient name, doctor name, diagnosis
What is required prior to performing a CLIA waived test?
What is Record controls prior to testing
What is the most likely indicator when a medical assistant notes blackened tissue in the wound bed?
What is Necrotic tissue
What is the normal range for an adult pulse?
What is 60 to 100
What is the proper correction method on handwritten progress notes?
What is Single line drawn through entry
What should the medical assistant do when speaking with an angry patient?
What is Remain calm and ask how to help
What is the correct position of the needle for venipuncture?
What is Bevel up
What does the medical assistant not sign or initial as part of a patient's medical record?
What is Diagnosis
What should not be done when answering a telephone?
What is Immediately put caller on hold