add/replace sentences
TSI Questions

Charleston, South Carolina, is a popular city for tourists, with their historical sites and beautiful weather. 

A. with their historical sites and beautiful weather 

B. with its historical sites and beautiful weather 

C. it has historical sites and beautiful weather 

D. because of their historical sites and beautiful weather

Choice B is the best answer. It provides the singular possessive pronoun “its” to agree with the singular noun phrase that precedes it, “Charleston, South Carolina.”


Indiana is the smallest state in the Midwest although they have one of the largest populations of any state in that region.

 A. although they have 

B. although with 

C. but has 

D. but they have

Choice C is the best answer. It provides the singular verb “has” to agree with the singular subject “Indiana.”


In the first sentence, “expanding” most nearly means 

If you are committed to healthy, green living and want to reduce your environmental footprint, you might consider expanding your daily diet to include bugs.

A. intensifying 

B. broadening 

C. developing 

D. exaggerating

Choice B is the best answer. In the first sentence, the author states that “If you are committed to healthy, green living . . . you might consider expanding your daily diet to include bugs.” In this context, “expanding” most nearly means “broadening.” The author is indicating that people who want to be healthy and environmentally conscious should consider a broader, more extensive diet—one that includes bugs.


Because Jean Rhys grew up in the West Indies island of Dominica and was educated there; this served as excellent background material for her most successful novel, Wide Sargasso Sea, which is set in the West Indies. 

A. there; this served as 

B. there; thus giving her 

C. there, she had 

D. there, and therefore she had

Choice C is the best answer. It appropriately joins the dependent clause “Because Jean Rhys grew up . . . and was educated there” to the independent clause “she had . . . the West Indies” with only a comma


If I see the man who works at that store, he is wearing a green baseball cap. 

A. If 

B. Until 

C. Whenever 

D. Even though

. Choice C is the best answer. It avoids the illogical phrasing of the other choices by providing the conjunction “Whenever” to indicate that one thing is true (“he is wearing a green baseball cap”) every time another thing occurs (“I see the man”).


All of the following statements about the vending machines discussed in the passage are true EXCEPT 

The first coin-operated vending machines in the United States were installed on the elevated platforms of the New York City railway system in 1888. These machines sold a chewing gum called “Tutti-Frutti,” which was manufactured by the Thomas Adams Gum Company. The machines were eventually updated to feature animated figures that would dance each time a gum purchase was made

A. they dispensed chewing gum in exchange for coins 

B. they were the first of their kind in the country 

C. they were utilized by train passengers 

D. they were originally designed to entertain customers

. Choice D is the best answer. The vending machines were NOT originally designed to entertain customers. The author of the passage states that the vending machines were “eventually updated to feature animated figures that would dance,” presumably to entertain customers, but the passage does not state that the machines were originally designed for entertainment purposes


With the increase in fuel prices, and some truck drivers being in very difficult circumstances. 

A. With the increase in fuel prices, and some truck drivers being 

B. With the increase in fuel prices, some truck drivers are 

C. With fuel prices being what they are, some truck drivers being 

D. Fuel prices being what they are, thus some truck drivers are

Choice B is the best answer. it provides the main verb "are" to carry out the action of the sentence


Indiana is the smallest state in the Midwest although they have one of the largest populations of any state in that region. 

A. although they have 

B. although with 

C. but has 

D. but they have

Choice C is the best answer. It provides the singular verb “has” to agree with the singular subject “Indiana.”


In context, which phrase should replace the vague pronoun “them” in sentence 4 (reproduced below)? 

In one study, researchers asked participants to read words and have them scanned by a brain imaging machine. 

A. the researchers 

B. the participants 

C. the words 

D. their brains

Choice D is the best answer. In context, the only logical choice is “their [the participants’] brains.” Only brains would be “scanned by a brain imaging machine.”


Some children are taught by precept rather than by example, they do not tend to adopt their parents’ values. 

A. Some children are taught by precept rather than by example, they 

B. Teaching children by precept rather than by example, the result is they 

C. Because some children are taught by precept rather than by example and 

D. Children who are taught by precept rather than by example

Choice D is the best answer. It places a relative clause, “who are taught by precept rather than by example,” between the subject of the sentence, “Children,” and the main verb, “do . . . tend.”


The fans in the audience expressed one’s appreciation for the performance by giving the lead actor a standing ovation. 

A. one’s 

B. their 

C. its 

D. your

Choice B is the best answer. It provides the plural possessive pronoun “their” to agree with the plural noun “fans,” to which the pronoun refers.


In context, “secure” (sentence 3) most nearly means 

"The reason is that the small studio that produced the film, Prana Film, was unable to secure the rights to Stoker’s novel."

A. shelter 

B. fasten 

C. obtain 

D. guarantee

Choice C is the best answer. The author of the passage explains that “the small studio that produced” Nosferatu “was unable to secure the rights to” Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula. In this context, “secure” most nearly means “obtain,” or get; the author is indicating that the film studio was unable to get the rights to the novel Dracula.


Nothing grows as well in Kentucky as burley tobacco, being the state’s chief agricultural crop. 

A. tobacco, being the 

B. tobacco, the 

C. tobacco and the 

D. tobacco, it is the

Choice B is the best answer. It places the modifying phrase “the state’s chief agricultural crop” directly after “burley tobacco,” the noun phrase it modifies.


Walking on a leash and barking on command, the judges were impressed by the dog. 

A. judges were impressed by the dog 

B. dog impressed the judges 

C. judges were being impressed by the dog 

D. dog having impressed the judges

Choice B is the best answer. It appropriately places the noun “dog” directly after the phrase that modifies it (“Walking on a leash and barking on command”).


It can be inferred from the passage that metal pipes

Polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, is used in most watercarrying pipes in the United States. Known for their resistance to the corrosion that can be caused by water, PVC pipes are more durable than the metal pipes of old. As useful as PVC is, it may be surprising that it was accidentally discovered in 1835 by Henri Victor Regnault, who observed a mysterious white solid plastic forming inside some test tubes that were left exposed to sunlight in his lab.  

A. are used more than PVC pipes outside of the United States 

B. are more expensive than PVC pipes 

C. are more likely to corrode than PVC pipes 

D. are no longer used in the United States

Choice C is the best answer. The author states that PVC pipes are “Known for their resistance to the corrosion that can be caused by water” and “are more durable than . . . metal pipes.” The author is implying, but not directly stating, that metal water-carrying pipes are more likely to corrode than PVC pipes.
