The first meal on Saturdays
The bunk activity on the right side of the beach
What is B+C
Name all 4 color war teams and their color.
After lunch everyday you go back to your bunk for ____
Rest Hour
The evening activity where you probably first heard the stories 3 finger jed and wheel chair mary
The first meal on opening day
What is grilled cheese?
You launch rockets during which elective?
What is rocketry?
The name and color of the counselor team is
The prayer said after every single meal.
The birkat
The evening activity on a Saturday night that involves a counselor of the opposite gender.
Chocolate chip,cinnamon, and blueberry are the three flavors of _____ you would find at breakfast
What is scones?
The bunk activity that prepares you for Friday and Saturday song sessions.
What is shira?
The winning color war team of 2019
What is negev
The number of activity periods on a average camp day.
6 periods
The night trip that campers take once a summer (hint it includes popcorn)
On Friday nights if knishes are not the appetizer, the appetizer is...
What is latkes?
A popular fitness elective among tsof and bog girls.
What is barre?
Who broke color war in summer 2017.
Wally the green monster.
Name the 4 supplies needed to write letters home.
The evening activity similar to a bar mitzvah party
Club Tsof
The number of tables camper tables in the dining hall
What is 38 camper tables?
The bog activity where you plan for ____
What is banquet?
The team who found the key during 2018 color war
What is Sharon?
The bag that keeps all your shower supplies is called a
Shower caddy
The evening activity that includes random objects in a pillow case
Dutch Auction