
What is the largest whale species?

A) Humpback Whale

B) Blue Whale

C) Orca (Killer Whale)

D) Gray Whale

E) Fin Whale

F) Bowhead Whale

***Bonus question for an additional 1000 points, but if answered incorrectly you get nothing***

What is the average temperature range of ocean water, in degrees Celsius?

(5 degree statistical error is available)

B) Blue Whale

Bonus:-2 to 30 degrees Celsius (varies by location)


What type of whale is known to have teeth?

A) Blue Whale

B) Right Whale

C) Sperm Whale

D) Fin Whale

E) Humpback Whale

F) Gray Whale

***Bonus question for an additional 1000 points, but if answered incorrectly you get nothing***

What is the current estimated rate of coral bleaching due to warming oceans, measured in percentage?

(5% inaccuracy is available)

C) Sperm Whale

Bonus:Between 30-50%


What is the primary function of a whale's blubber? (Select all that apply)

A) Insulation against cold water

B) Energy storage

C) Buoyancy control

D) Protection against predators

E) Aiding in sound production

F) Facilitating movement

A) Insulation against cold water, B) Energy storage, C) Buoyancy control


How many major ocean currents are identified in the world?

***Bonus question for an additional 1000 points, but if answered incorrectly you get nothing***

What is the average salinity of ocean water in parts per thousand (ppt)?

(5 ppt inaccuarcy is available)

16 major ocean currents

Bonus:35 ppt


You gain full points for this question with no resistence

Who is the author and what is the title of the story?

The Secrets of Whale Song --- Eric Chen


What is the primary purpose of whale songs?

A) Navigation

B) Mating and Communication

C) Feeding

D) Territorial Defense

E) Social Bonding

F) Warning of Predators

B) Mating and Communication


How do whales primarily communicate?

A) Body Language

B) Vocalizations

C) Color Changes

D) Chemical Signals

E) Breaching Behavior

F) Tail Slaps

***Bonus question for an additional 1000 points, but if answered incorrectly you get nothing***

How many kilometers long is the Great Barrier Reef?

(300 kilometers inaccuracy is available)

B) Vocalizations

Bonus:2300 kilometers


What adaptations do sperm whales have for deep diving? (Select all that apply)

A) Large, flat heads

B) Highly flexible rib cages

C) Thick layers of blubber

D) Specialized blood that can store oxygen

E) Ability to generate sounds that help with navigation

F) A streamlined body shape

B) Highly flexible rib cages, C) Thick layers of blubber, D) Specialized blood that can store oxygen


What is the largest animal in ocean in length?

just say what kind of animal (like whales, sharks, crabs, etc)

Lion’s Mane Jellyfish | Total Length: 120 Feet (36.6 Meters)


How much water are there on earth in cubic kilometers (km3) ?

1,386,000,000 cubic kilometers (km3) 


Which whale is known for its acrobatic breaches and complex songs?

A) Sperm Whale

B) Bowhead Whale

C) Humpback Whale

D) Beluga Whale

E) Right Whale

F) Gray Whale

C) Humpback Whale


What do baleen whales primarily feed on?

A) Fish

B) Squid

C) Plankton

D) Seabirds

E) Shrimp

F) Jellyfish

C) Plankton


Middle for riddles  (600 points each)

1. I can fly without wings. I can cry without eyes. Wherever I go, darkness flies. What am I?

2. I can be cracked, made, told, and played. What am I?

3. I am not alive, but I can grow; I don’t have lungs, but I need air; I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?

4. I have keys but open no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter but you can’t go outside. What am I?

5. I have lakes with no water, mountains with no stone, and towns with no people. What am I?

1. A Cloud

2. A Joke

3. Fire

4. A Keyboard

5. A Map 


What is the second large fish in ocean in length?

just say what kind of animal (like whales, sharks, crabs, etc)

Blue Whale | Total Length: 108.27 Feet (33 Meters)


How many Taiwan (ROC) presidents are there from 1950AD till 2024AD


Chiang Kai-shek (1950-1975)

Yen Chia-kan (1975-1978)

Chiang Ching-kuo (1978-1988)

Lee Teng-hui (1988-2000)

Chen Shui-bian (2000-2008)

Ma Ying-jeou (2008-2016)

Tsai Ing-wen (2016-2024)

Lai Ching-te (2024 incumbent)


Which of the following is a factor that negatively impacts whale populations?

A) Conservation Efforts

B) Marine Pollution

C) Aquatic Plant Growth

D) Ocean Currents

E) Climate Change

F) Overfishing

B) Marine Pollution and E) Climate Change


What adaptations allow baleen whales to filter feed effectively? (Select all that apply)

A) Long, slender bodies

B) Rows of baleen plates

C) Large mouths that can open wide

D) Specialized throat muscles

E) Teeth for capturing prey

F) Echolocation capabilities

B) Rows of baleen plates, C) Large mouths that can open wide, D) Specialized throat muscles


What is the average depth of the ocean in meters?

3800 meters


What is the most dangerous channel or passage in the world?

(Hint: it is also known as the widest passage)

Drake passage (the narrowest part is still 645 kilometers wide)


List the four major Shakespearean tragedies



King Lear



What phenomenon allows blue whales to produce some of the loudest sounds in the animal kingdom?

A) Echolocation

B) Vocal Sac

C) Size of their Body

D) Sound Resonance in Water

E) Specialized Vocal Cords

F) Air Bladder Resonance

D) Sound Resonance in Water


Which of the following statements accurately describe the reproductive habits of whales? (Select all that apply)

A) Most species exhibit maternal care for their young.

B) Mating often involves elaborate displays or songs.

C) Whales can reproduce at any time of the year.

D) Gestation periods can last several months to over a year depending on the species.

E) Most male whales are involved in nurturing the young.

F) Calves are usually born in shallow coastal waters.

A) Most species exhibit maternal care for their young., B) Mating often involves elaborate displays or songs., D) Gestation periods can last several months to over a year depending on the species., F) Calves are usually born in shallow coastal waters.


What is the approximate percentage of Earth’s surface covered by oceans?

***Bonus question for an additional 1000 points, but if answered incorrectly you get nothing***

What is the maximum recorded depth of the Mariana Trench in meters?

(500 meter statistical error is avalible)


Bonus:10,984 ± 25 meters


List the four major Shakespearean comedies

A Midsummer Night's Dream

The Merchant of Venice

Much Ado About Nothing

As You Like It


list 30 ± 5% of the USA president to gain full points (only in this region)

There are 46 USA president till now (2024_September)

12 to 16 is available

George Washington

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

James Monroe

John Quincy Adams

Andrew Jackson

Martin Van Buren

William Henry Harrison

John Tyler

James K. Polk

Zachary Taylor

Millard Fillmore

Franklin Pierce

James Buchanan

Abraham Lincoln

Andrew Johnson

Ulysses S. Grant

Rutherford B. Hayes

James A. Garfield

Chester A. Arthur

Grover Cleveland

Benjamin Harrison

Grover Cleveland (again)

William McKinley

Theodore Roosevelt

William Howard Taft

Woodrow Wilson

Warren G. Harding

Calvin Coolidge

Herbert Hoover

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Harry S. Truman

Dwight D. Eisenhower

John F. Kennedy

Lyndon B. Johnson

Richard Nixon

Gerald Ford

Jimmy Carter

Ronald Reagan

George H. W. Bush

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Barack Obama

Donald Trump

Joe Biden
