Complaining in a petulant or whining manner.
what is querulous
A deep covered dish from which soup is served.
what is a tureen
French word meaning “citizen.”
Difficult; requiring much effort.
what is arduous
The embezzlement of funds with which one has been entrusted.
what are defalcations
A ghostly image; phantom; specter.
what is apparition
Leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal.
what is peremptory
A sailing ship with two or more masts.
what is a schooner
Surprise and alarm, leading to panic, deep disappointment, or total confusion.
what is consternation
Condition of being too full or too satisfied.
An angry curse.
what is an execration
Surprise and alarm, leading to panic, deep disappointment, or total confusion.
what is forelock
Something that does not follow an established pattern, norm, or rule; unusual behavior.
The display of strong feeling; passion.
what is vehemence
The quality of remaining calm, serene, or unruffled, especially under stress; composure.
what is equanimity