Two countries are fighting in war. A plane crashes in the middle. Where are the survivors buried?
They don't get buried-they're survivors
Light as a feather, there's nothing in it, but the strongest man can't hold it much more than a minute.
Two fathers and two sons are sitting on a bench, yet there are only three people sitting. How?
They are a grandfather, father, and son.
9+6=4, so what is 8+5?
8+5=1 (Time)
I start with "t" am filled with "t" and has "t" in it
"t"pot (teapot)
Why was the mathbook sad?
It had too many problems (HEHE)
Dead on the field lie ten soldiers in white, felled by three eyes, black as night. What happened?
A bowling ball knocked down ten pins.
What is so fragile that just saying its name breaks it?
Silence! (oops.....I broke it..)
Why didn't the two 4's want any lunch?
Cuz they already eight (HEHE)