Is the meaning of "Tsuutina" So many People or People that came from the north
So many people. Our nation was once populated by thousands of people that we couldn't count at one point.
How could employers make an inclusive space for Indigenous students?
Allow spaces for smudging, using their language (greetings), communicate and create relationships
How long is the funeral process for an Indigenous student? ( ___ days)
4 days (burial day is all day long)
Do people still live in tipis on the reserve?
No, everyone lives in housing on the reserve
Have the tsuutina people been located here since the beginning of time? True or False
Our Separation Story.
The Dene nation were altogether at one point, we were separated by the lake that broke.
If not, Spiritual leave, and Dress Code (ribbon skirt or shirt) or extending bereavement leave
Indigenous students have the same resources off the reserve as they do on the reserve.
ON reserve their community and culture
OFF reserve there's public transportation access to opportunity and resources.
All houses have clean drinking water. (true or false)
False. Many houses do not have access to clean drinking water.
The true name of the Tsuutina people is the Sarcee People. True or False
Is the Tsuutina New Year - January 1st? March 1st or May 1st?
May 1 is designated Tsuut’ina Day, a holiday for the people. The date was chosen because, during this moon month, the people traditionally thanked the Great Spirit for the start of another life cycle following the winter’s end; essential decisions were made and celebrated with feasts and dances.
What is the closest city to Tsuutina?
What aspects of scholarships are challenging for students?
It's the question. Most questions are, what is the hardest challenge you've been through or have overcome today?
Do Indigenous people still hunt for their food?
Yes, we practice our hunting skills and knowledge. This is not our only source of food.
Indigenous students practice their culture and ceremonies every day
True. Many Indigenous students actively practice their culture and attend ceremonies regularly.
What was the population dwindle down to from, reserves, enfranchisement, smallpox, TB, and starvation?
Population of 164
The ring road on Tsuutina was a 10-year process (start to finish)
No, the Ring Road was a 60-year collaboration and agreement with the Alberta Government.
Some student cultural barriers are .....
Our culture considers direct eye contact and pointing with your finger very rude.
Indigenous students/people do not pay taxes
95% of Tsuutina citizens are fluent tsuutina speakers?
False, there are less than 20 fluent speakers.