Things just don't add up sometimes. This term refers to the act of doing an action using information you or the GM knows, but your character wouldn't.
This single letter helps let the GM and/or the players know what kind of dice they need to roll.
d_ or just d
When a campaign has one, we love them no matter what. This player is known to take note of every single important detail they find worthy enough to write in their notepad and is often the one to figure out who the twist villain is before the GM has a chance to reveal it themselves.
This show features a cast of voice actors and voice actresses who get together almost every Thursday to play Dungeons & Dragons. This show also has various adaptions like books, TV shows, and merch.
Critical Role
This TTRPG system is the most popular one in the entire community. Oh you like TTRPGs? This system is usually the first or second one people will mention with its charming 13 classes and way too many races to keep track of.
D&D aka Dungeons & Dragons
Grab your pitchforks and cancel your subscriptions. This term is the name of a website that owns a lot of D&D material and lost a lot of its revenue due to a controversy January 2023.
D&D Beyond
This is the moment all players have been waiting them. This types of games can last between 1.5hours to 4 depending on the group and schedules.
Grab your axes and your thirst for blood! This player is known to solve every situation the game throws at them with violence and carnage.
"Toxic masculinity is dead, I dance now!" is my personal favorite quote from this Dimension 20 show featuring a group of misfit high schoolers trying to be adventurers and save the world.
Fantasy High FY, SY, or JY
This TTRPG system is consider the sibling to Dungeons and Dragons. It was even made by the same people who worked on the game! You'll find all of your favorites at the expense of more complex rules and stats.
Oh no they're hot. This term refers to the main villain of a TTRPG campaign that players keep simping for because the GMs make them hot most the time.
This term is the result of a really good dice roll, or a really bad one. Warning: the results of these rolls can result in emotional damage or stress.
Critical Hit/Failure
Oh no... not the rulebook! This player is commonly known as someone who knows all of the rules of a system and isn't afraid to "um actually..." the GM and other players.
Rules Lawyer
This TTRPG show is bound to make you laugh until you die with its golden comedy, funny animations and clips featured on both YouTube and TikTok, and a clown that keeps haunting the players and their characters.
Legends of Avantris
Well gang, looks like we have a mystery on our hands. This system is all about monster hunting and solving mysteries. Brought to you by the werewolf child.
Monster of the Week
We love it when GMs bend the rules just a bit in order to appease player's chaotic energy. This term refers to a rule GMs often use to let the players do something you can't normally do due to rules.
Rule of Cool
No one has the time in invest in a full campaign sometimes. This type of game are designed to play through a single contained story in one session.
Uh oh, we've got a tryhard over here at station 1. This player is known to make their characters as mechanically effective as possible within the bounds of the rules.
Power Gamer
Choo-Choo! Hop on the Lightening Rail and experience emotional trauma beyond your wildest dreams. This podcast features four travelers who met on a train and have to save the world from the evil Dragonmarked House Phiarlan.
Hero Squad: Under the Dragon's Shadow
This system is bound to make your nostalgia cry. Inspired by shows by Toyko Mew Mew, Precure, Sailor Moon and more, this TTRPG system allows you to transform into magical heroes.
Glitter Hearts
We love popular forms of media affecting our games. This term describes the unrealistic expectations new TTRPG players might have of the GM, due to having first being exposed to the hobby through seeing recorded games by professional actors or veteran GMs/players.
Matt Mercer Effect
This term describes a character that is designed to maximize some abilities at the expense of minimizing others. For instance, your physical stats may be really high, but your mental stats can go jump in a dumpster fire.
Grab your hot sauce packets and even more hot NPCs, because it's time to transform! This podcast features two best friends saving the world from various evil sea creatures using magical powers gifted by a grumpy starfish. (Fun fact: a NPC that I made is in this podcast)
Magical Miss Campaign 1
This system is referred to as the most popular solo RPG on and is featured on many solo RPG channels. Hint: I played this system for a school project in Spring 2024.