CW Connect Basics
Foster Care & Adoption
Family Support

This colorful feature helps you navigate to different objects in CW Connect, even when you do not have a tab for them

What is the App Launcher


This document is the fist document completed when receiving an intake report?

What is the call log?


This action button can be accessed from appropriate Program Assignments as well as from the Assessment to alert the Placement Team that a placement is needed and complete associated documentation.

What is Initiate Placement Request?


Prevention/PE/FE Workers do not use the CW Note; they use this instead.

What is the ___ Running Log?


The number of colors in the rainbow

What is 7?


Users can use this feature to create customized lists of records that are relevant to their role.

What is a list view?


The area where a user can find the button to start a CMARC referral

What is the CPS Intake record page?


A child's primary care doctor is not listed as its own record in CW Connect, but can be found here

What is a Medical Services record?

In order to request a CFT, a user must navigate to which of the family's records?

What is the case?


These two countries won the gold medals for breaking in the 2024 Paris Olympics

Who are Canada and Japan?


This feature can be accessed from anywhere in CW Connect and allows users to look for records within the system.

What is the search bar or global search?


2 parts: The CPS Assessment Documentation Tool is digitized in CW Connect.  It is known within child welfare as this DSS form number and can be found within CW Connect in this specific area.

What is the DSS-5010 and what is the Assessment tab?


CW Connect uses an engagement plan to give Adoption SWs a list of tasks to complete.  Where can this be found?

What is the Adoption Recruitment Activities related list on Adoption Program Assignment?


These are the 2 action buttons that must be used to complete the 5027 for Family Support Services.

What are Service Code Manager and Generate Forms?


Kermit the Frog's dominant hand

What is left hand?


This feature allows a user to acknowledge a record or list view as particularly important.  It provides a way to navigate back to that item quickly or add it to your nav bar.

What are Favorites?


These records must be added to a CPS Intake record in order for the mandated report to be considered complete.

What are Allegations?


CW Connect provides the ability to display current educational information for a child as well as their historical educational data.  These are the steps necessary for this data to be accurate.

What are:
Create Education Details records from the child's Contact record and Sync Education Details each time a new ED record is created?


The two places where a family support leader would find new referrals

What are the CPS Intakes tab and the Program Assignments tab?


This language has the most native speakers in the world.

What is Mandarin?


This feature is found on a record page and shows you additional records that are relevant to the record being viewed.

What is a related list?


In order to document Assessment initiation, a user must follow these navigation steps.

What are:
Complete the CPS Initiation tab on the Assessment record; navigate to the action buttons; click the button for "Initial Case Activities & Contacts;" and complete the form


If a PP SW uses the "My Program Assignments" list view to see their caseload, they will see each family represented.  Each individual child receiving services is actually captured on this CW Connect object.

What is Program Activity?


Most times, this button is used to document external referrals.  It is also used to assign Parent Education or Father Engagement classes/coaching.

What is Assign Services/Resources?


Name the birthdays of 3 people in this meeting

Birthdays!! lol
