Barley, wheat, grapes, figs, olives, dates, and pomegranates.
What are the seven species traditionally eaten on Tu B'shevat?
oak, birch, maple, eucalyptus, almond, elm, olive, sycamore, elm, evergreen
What are types of trees?
The 15th of Shevat in Hebrew
What is Tu B'shevat?
It is their birthday that we celebrate on Tu B'shevat
What are trees?
Traditionally planted in Israel to commemorate this holiday.
What are trees?
it produces the oxygen we breathe on this earth
What are trees and plants?
15th day of Shevat in the year 5785
What is date of Tu B'Shevat in the Hebrew calendar?
The third planet from the sun
What is earth?
Wine is one liquid form of this fruit
What are grapes?
What the word "seder" means
What is the word "order"?
Baruch atta adonai, eloheinu mulch ha-olam borei pir ha-gafen
What is the blessing for the fruit of the vine (wine/grapes)
Blessed are you our G-d, sovereign of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.
The blessing for grapes/wine in English
Oak trees grow from them
What are acorns?
Its nickname is the blue planet
What is earth?
Something that is often thrown away that takes 450 years to break down
What is plastic (bottles, bags, etc.)?
The blessing for fruits of the tree
Baruch atta adonai, eloheinu mulch ha-olam borei pir ha-etz
polluted by floating pieces of plastic and microbeads
What are our oceans?
Fruit or nut with hard outer shell and a soft inside
What is a walnut, almond, grapefruit, pineapple, coconut, banana, pomegranate, pistachio?
(or ANY fruit or nut has a hard outer shell and and a soft inside)
fruit with a soft outside and a hard inside (pit)
What are olives, dates, peaches, apricots, plums, avocados, cherries?
(Or ANY fruit with a soft inside and hard outside.)
Fruit that is soft inside and outside
What are figs, blueberries, raisins, raspberries, strawberries?
(or ANY fruit that can be eaten whole)
Hebrew for "repairing the world"
What is Tikkum Olam?
The Pacific Ocean
What is the largest ocean on earth?