What is the first stage of TB?
Exposure to someone with tuberculosis, often from someone with TB who is coughing or sneezing.
Can TB be cured?
Yes it can
What symptoms effect the body the most?
Weakness and weight loss
What percent of the population has TB?
About 25% or 1.8 billion is infected with tuberculosis
Which type of people are more likely to get TB, at least name two
People who are young, old or ill
What is second stage of tuberculosis?
What Part of the body does tuberculosis attack?
Most commonly attacks the lungs
What pains can happen when you have TB
Chest pains
How many people died due to TB in 2014?
1.5 million
Where is 45% of TB found?
South-East Asia Region or Asia
What is the most effective way to prevent the spread of tuberculosis?
Early diagnosis and treatment is the most effective way to prevent the spread of tuberculosis.
What are the most common symptoms of TB? At least three to get right
Coughing, fever, night sweats, weight loss, chest pain, or physical fatigue, weakness and hard to breathe
What causes lack of appetite?
Your body fighting off TB
What is the nickname for TB?
“The White Plague”
What system does TB affect name all four
lungs, kidneys, liver and spine