Strange or unusual
Who is the man in the yellow suit looking for?
A family
In chapter 5, what do the Tucks do when Winnie catches them at the spring?
They kidnap her.
What happens to the horse at the end of chapter 12?
It was stolen.
Done in a comforting way
What do Winnie, her grandmother, and the stranger hear while they are talking outside the Foster home?
What is so special about the spring?
It grants eternal life (immortality) to whomever drinks it.
How do Jess and Miles perspective on living forever differ?
Jesse thinks is great and is carefree about it.
Miles is more serious about it.
Showing strong dislike
the ability to make decisions easily
Contrast what Winnie and her grandmother think they are actually hearing in the woods.
Grandmother: Elves
Winnie: a music box
What is the first thing that happens to the Tucks to convince them something is strange about them?
Jesse fell out of a tree onto his head and he was not injured.
How do Ma and Pa's perspective on living forever differ?
Ma/Mae: It is what it is and there is no changing it.
Pa/Angus: He wants to be able to live and die again.
To feel a loss of spirit or drive
Harsh, having no pity
What figurative language is being used in this line:
"But at the same time, he had a kind of grace, like a well-handled marionette."
Why does Miles wife leave him?
She was afraid that he was into witchcraft or black magic.
How is the Tucks home different from the Fosters home.
Tucks: dirty, lived in, cluttered with stuff, homely but homey.
Fosters: very neat, clean, and perfect. You are not allowed to make any messes or mistakes.
Done without caring how it makes one look
Lively; full of energy
What mood does the man in the yellow suit make the reader feel?
unnerving - suspicious - uncomfortable
When Winnie leaves her home in chapter 5, what is she hoping she can accomplish?
She wants to be able to make a difference in the world.
How does the pond help Pa explain life/death to Winnie? How does he describe the Tucks in relation to it?
The pond keeps moving/changing even if you can't see it, just like growing. He uses it as a symbol for the life cycle. The Tucks are stuck, and can't grow/change.