Who lived in the "touch-me-not" cottage?
the Foster family
What is Winnie's full name?
Winifred Foster
He is the villain of the story, a strange man who wears unusual clothing and is looking to find the spring, which will give him eternal life and make him a lot of money.
The man in the yellow suit
What made the Tucks first suspect their changelessness?
Jesse fell from a tree and didn't get hurt.
Who is the level-headed and mature eldest son of Angus and Mae, regrets the loss of family his immortality has caused. He shares a special connection with Winnie because she reminds him of his own daughter.
Who went with the stranger to the Tuck’s to get Winnie.
the constable
How many rooms are there in the Tuck house?
3: a kitchen, a parlor, a bedroom
This character suffers the pain of his immortality every day. When he meets Winnie, his sadness lifts.
Angus Tuck
Finish this sentence: "Mae Tuck...had looked exactly the same for __________?"
87 years