Tunisia is located in which continent?
What kind of housing do people live in to stay cool?
Stone houses or Cave houses
Tunisia is divided by what mountain range?
The Atlas Mountains
Why is Tunisia so hot?
It is close to the equator
How many days a week do children go to school?
What is the most popular sport in Tunisia
Football (soccer)
True or False It is a dry, desert in the Northern part of Tunisia
What is the climate in Tunisia?
Dry, hot summers and wet winters
What type of money is used in Tunisia?
The Tunisian Dinar
98% of people in Tunisia are of what religion?
What is the name of the biggest festival in Tunisia?
What sea is Tunisia beside?
Mediterranean Sea
What services are available in both cities and villages?
Doctor clinics
What are some services provided to the people in Tunis?
Doctors, teachers, barbers, running water, and electricity.
What are some exports from Tunisia?
Olive oil, dates, carpets, and pottery
What are the 3 main regions in Tunisia?
The coast (beaches), Atlas mountains, and Sahara Desert
What two countries border Tunisia?
Algeria and Libya
How do villagers work together to make a better quality of life?
Build fishing boats
Who helps make the decisions to improve the quality of life in Tunisia?
Elected presidents and ministers
What places of worship do Muslims visit in Tunisia?