Needed in the highest quantity by turfgrasses, this mineral nutrient can improve color and increase growth rate.
What is Nitrogen?
This type of specialized mower cuts through a sheering action and is used for golf course greens and fairways.
What is a reel mower?
When applied to an actively grown weed, an herbicide is known as this.
What is a post-emergent herbicide?
Diseases need these three parts of the disease triangle to occur.
What is Host, Pathogen, and Environment?
Turfgrasses convert light energy into chemical energy through this process.
What is photosynthesis?
Only if a nutrient is required by all plants and without it the plant cannot undergo normal processes can it be defined as this.
What is an Essential Plant Nutrient?
Thatch dilution and surface smoothing are benefits of this sand application process.
What is topdressing?
Between grassy weeds, broadleaf weeds, and sedges, these weeds are the most difficult to selectively control with herbicides.
What are grassy weeds?
Y-shaped hyphae and hourglass lesions are signs and symptoms of this common turfgrass foliar disease.
What is Dollar Spot?
Agrostis stolonifera, known by this common name, is used on golf course putting greens in cool climates.
What is creeping bentgrass?
This nutrient found in sulfate of potash helps plants tolerate various stresses and is luxury consumed.
What is Potassium?
These products can manage shoot growth of fine turf by inhibiting cell elongation or division.
What is a plant growth regulator?
White Clover, Black Medic, and Yellow Woodsorrel are known for this type of leaf.
What is trifoliate?
Acervuli on infected plants are a common sign of this turfgrass disease?
What is Anthracnose?
This metric can measure the amount of hydrogen ions in soil solution.
What is pH?
In this process, organic N is converted to inorganic N, increasing plant available N.
What is mineralization?
Localized dry spot (hydrophobicity) is commonly remedied through the application of these non-ionic surfactant products.
What is a wetting agent?
Yellow and Purple nutsedge can be distinguished by this leaf feature.
What is leaf tapering? (yellow-slowly tapesr; purple-abruptly tapers)
Ophiosphaerella sp. infect bermudagrass roots in the fall, leading to circular, necrotic patches the following spring.
What is Spring Dead Spot?
Water held tightly in micropores that is unavailable to turfgrasses is known as this.
What is hygroscopic water?
Commonly used with micronutrients, these compounds can prevent a nutrient from forming insoluble compounds, thereby increasing bioavailability.
What is a chelate?
This Class E product is commonly mixed with trinexapac-ethyl to suppress seedheads of annual bluegrass.
What is ethephon (Proxy)?
A common turfgrass weed with an ocrea.
What is Prostrate Knotweed, Smartweed, or Virginia Butttonweed?
Rhizctonia solani is the pathogen responsible for causing these two turfgrass diseases.
What are Brown Patch and Large Patch?
Calcium sulfate dihydrate, known as this, is often applied to golf course greens with high sodium levels.
What is gypsum?