In the days of Eli when Israel went out to fight the Philistines where did Israel camp and where did the Philistines set up camp (1 Sam 4:1)?

A. Gilgal and Bethel

B. Gath and Azekah

C. Ebenezer and Aphek

D. Megiddo and Gilboa

C. Ebenezer and Aphek


Where were the hands of Dagon after they were broken off (1 Sam 5:4)?

A. They were lying in front of the ark

B. They were lying on the threshold

C. They were scattered in the corners of the temple room

D. They were in the center in the room

B. They were lying on the threshold


The people of Beth Shemesh when the ark was returned to them from Philistia did all of the following EXCEPT (1 Sam 6:14)?

A. Sacrificed the cows

B. Poured out the blood of the cows on the altar

C. They chopped up the cart for wood

D. Offered a burnt offering

B. Poured out the blood of the cows on the altar


What is a witness "to this day" of the place where the ark was returned to Israel (1 Sam 6:18)?

A. The large rock in the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh

B. The spring of Beth Shemesh outside the city gate

C. The great oak of Beth Shemesh on the road to Timnah

D. The roof of house of the priest of Beth Shemesh

A. The large rock in the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh


What was true throughout Samuel's lifetime (1 Sam 7:13)

A. Not one of Samuel's words fell to the ground

B. The Lord was with Samuel and saved Israel by his hand

C. Israel had rest on every side

D. The Lord's hand was against the Philistines

D. The Lord's hand was against the Philistines


How many foot soldiers did the Israelites loose in the battle where the ark was with them (1 Sam 4:10)?

A. 20,000

B. 30,000

C. 40,000

D. 42,000

B. 30,000


How did the Ark of God make its presence known in the cities of the Philistines?

A. It blessed their produce and commerce

B. It brought plague of tumors on the people

C. The cities were covered in darkness

D. Their crops were destroyed by locust

B. It brought plague of tumors on the people


Besides the ark what did the Levites who received the ark back from the Philistines find on the cart (1 Sam 6:15)?

A. A chest containing the gold objects

B. A bowl of incense

C. A gold harness for the cows

D. A skin of olive oil

A. A chest containing the gold objects


Where did the set the ark of the Lord after it was returned by the Philistines to Beth Shemesh (1 Sam 6:18)?

A. In the palace of the ruler of the city

B. On top of a large rock in a field

C. Beside the altar of Beth Shemesh

D. In the city gate

B. On top of a large rock in a field


Under Samuel there was peace between Israel and what other tribal group (1 Sam 7:14)?

A. The Amalekites

B. The Amorites

C. The Midianites

D. The Edomites

B. The Amorites


When the ark was captured by the Philistines who died (1 Sam 4:11)?

A. Eli and

B. The priests and Levites carrying the ark

C. Hophni and Phineas

D. Ichabod and Eli

C. Hophni and Phineas


How did the Philistines at Ashdod decide what to do with the ark after the plague hit (1 Sam 5:7)?

A. They cast lots on where the ark should go next

B. They made sacrifices to Dagon and the priests instructed them

C. They gathered the Philistine rulers and asked them what to do

D. They put the ark on a cart and dumped it outside the city

C. They gathered the Philistine rulers and asked them what to do


Who from the Philistines saw the ark on the cart head straight back to Beth Shemesh (1 Sam 6:16)?

A. The priests of Gath

B. The diviners of Dagon

C. A large crowd of the Philistines

D. The five rulers of the Philistines

D. The five rulers of the Philistines


Why did God strike down 70 people of Beth Shemesh (1 Sam 6:19)?

A. They stole the gold rats for themselves

B. They treated the ark with contempt

C. They looked into the ark

D. They touched the ark

C. They looked into the ark


Samuel was the last major judge of Israel and did an annual circuit to all of these town EXCEPT (1 Sam 7:16)

A. Bethel

B. Gilgal

C. Gibeon

D. Mizpah

C. Gibeon


The Philistines placed the ark of God next to the statue of which Philistine god (1 Sam 5:2)?

A. Baal

B. Chemosh

C. Dagon

D. Marduk

C. Dagon


When did the cart carrying the ark come back to the people of Beth Shemesh (1 Sam 6:13)?

A. During the wheat harvest

B. At Passover

C. During the harvest of grapes

D. On the Day of Atonement

A. During the wheat harvest


To which city did the Philistine rulers return after watching the ark be carted back to Beth Shemesh (1 Sam 6:16)?

A. Gath

B. Ekron

C. Ashdod

D. Gaza

E. Ashkelon

B. Ekron


How many years was the ark at Kiriath Jearim (1 Sam 7:2)?

A. 10 years

B. 20 years

C. 30 years

D. 40 years

B. 20 years


Who was consecrated to guard the ark at Kiriath Jearim (1 Sam 7:1)?

A. Abijah

B. Eleazar

C. Abinadab

D. Ebed Melech

B. Eleazar


What happened the second day the ark was in the temple of Dagon (1 Sam 5:4)?

A. Its mouth and hands were shattered

B. It became a pile of dust

C. Its feet and hands were broken off

D. Its head and hands were broken off

D. Its head and hands were broken off


Where did the cart with the ark come to in Israel (1 Sam 6:14)?

A. To the field of Manoah of Zorah

B. To the spring of Timnah

C. To the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh

D. To the Rock of Etam

C. To the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh


All of the following are listed as one of the five Philistine cities that gave a gold tumor on the cart hauling the ark back to Israel EXCEPT (1 Sam 6:17)

A. Gath

B. Ekron

C. Aphek

D. Gaza

E. Ashkelon

C. Aphek


When the ark was at Kiriath Jearim what did Samuel tell the people they needed to do in order for the Lord to deliver them from the Philistines (1 Sam 7:3)

A. Seek the Lord with their whole hearts

B. Bring the Tent of Meeting down to Kiriath Jearim

C. Put away their foreign gods and Ashtoreths

D. Not violate the covenant of the Lord their God

C. Put away their foreign gods and Ashtoreths


Where did Samuel gather all Israel to intercede for them (1 Sam 7:5)?

A. Mizpah

B. Bethel

C. Shiloh

D. Aphek

A. Mizpah
