
True or False.

God pours unto you, so you can pour someone a glass of milk



True or False.

Through it all, Paul remained a team player, and a leader.



What catchy song resembles Paul's bite by a snake? (Acts 28:5)

a. Rockstar by Post Malone

b. Dance by Jesus Culture

c. Shake It Off by Tailor Swift

d. Freedom by Eddie James

Shake it Off by Tailor Swift.

Bonus: (100 points) Do an impression of Paul getting bit and shake it off! You have to use up at least 10 seconds, starting now!


Which movie did we watch when speaking on Honor?

a. Black Panther

b. Spider-Man

c. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

d. Pink Panther

Black Panther


"Therefore ___ each other and __ one another, just as you are also doing" (NKJV 1 Thessalonians 5:11)

a. comfort; edify

b. roast; beat

c. jump; rob

d. lift; lie

comfort; edify

"Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of __ there is safety" (NKJV Proverbs 11:14)

a. Judges

b. Haters

c. Bread

d. Counselors


Who said: "I urge you to take heart, for there will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship"? (Acts 27:21-22)

a. Paul

b. David

c. John

d. Ceasar


"How can a young person stay on the path of purity? ____" (NIV Psalm 199:9)

a. By living according to your word.

b. By going to church.

c. By living in outer space

d. By walking a mile a day.

By living according to your word.


There was a shipwreck in which Paul was instructed to keep the crew in the ship. What did Paul tell the rest of the crew to do meanwhile? (Acts 27:33-36)

a. yell

b. eat

c. sacrifice someone

d. change their clothes


What creature attacked Paul in the Island of Malta? (Acts 28:3)

a. viper

b. scorpion

c. horse

d. whale


Whom did Paul pray over for healing in the island of Malta? (Acts 28:8)

a. Publius

b. Jackie Hill Perry

c. Publius' dad

d. Ceasar

Publius' dad


What was the title of the message that had to do with: "Every one of you has a purpose. How will you find that purpose? When will you make that. . ?"

a. Honor

b. 180 degrees

c. Champions Series

d. Pray Until Something Happens

180 Degrees


From Paul's story of the shipwreck, we learned that: (Acts 27:31-32)

a. The ocean isn't for humans

b. God leaves you there to die, but then he changes his mind

c. Jonah had to be thrown out of the ship to calm the storm

d. God will always provide someone to help you get through it.

God will always provide someone to help you get through it.

Bonus (100 points): Explain.


Is it good to make friends?

a. No.

b. It depends. You can be friendly, but be sure that your closest friends are people that live a rated-R-for righteousness life

c. Let everyone in your inner circle. The more, the merrier.

d. What were we talking about, again?

It depends. You can be friendly, but be sure that your closest friends are people that live a rated-R-for-righteousness life

Bonus (100 points): Explain.


There's a verse that says: "All is allowed, but not all is beneficial. What does it imply?

a. You really aren't allowed to do everything, it's a trick verse

b. You can do what you please, but it doesn't mean you're doing the right thing

c. Veggies are good for the soul, but carrot cakes are of the devil

d. God will always be there to catch you when you fall

You can do what you please, but it doesn't mean you're doing the right thing.

Bonus (100 points): Explain.


Paul exhorted Timothy by igniting his faith. He demonstrated what it was to be a leader by exhorting Timothy to. . . (1 Timothy 1:18)

a. Stand back and wait until the storm passes.

b. Seize the day and kill the centurion that kept Paul in prison.

c. Read the Bible day in and day out.

d. Be ready in and out of season.

Be ready in and out of season.

Bonus (100 points): explain.
