Amazing Jewish Men
Amazing Jewish Women
Center Stage

In 1916, he became the first Jew appointed to the Supreme Court. 

Who is Judge Louis D. Brandeis?


In 1893, the National Council of Jewish Women, which helped thousands of women across the country, was founded in this windy city.

What is Chicago, Illinois?


This was the first food made by The B. Manischewitz Company when it was founded in 1888.

What is matzah?


This famous bell has a verse from the Bible, Leviticus 25:10, inscribed on its side.

What is the Liberty Bell?


In 1887, this, the first actors' union in the United States was established.

What is the Hebrew Actors Union?


This man trained with Jewish architect Dunkmar Adler to become one of America's greatest architects. 

Who is Frank Lloyd Wright?

In 1888, Annie Nathan Meyer founded this college in New York City. The school is Columbia University's sister school and a member of the Seven Sisters colleges. 

What is Barnard College?


In 1905 Isadore Pinkowitz started Hebrew National Foods, who most famous product is this kosher summer favorite.

What is the hot dog?


In 1908, Victor David Brenner drew the portrait for this president, which was used for the back of the penny. 

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


In 1882, Frank Wolf produced the first one of these in the country.

What is a Yiddish play?


This Jewish magician made an elephant disappear on stage in his trick called the "Vanishing Elephant".

Who is Houdini?


In 1900, Jewish women working in the garment industry organized with other garment workers to form this labor union, which in the 1970s gained widespread attention for its anthem, "Look for the Union Label."

What is the International Ladies Garment Workers Union?


This condiment was this first food item to carry the OU logo, marking it as a kosher food.

What is Heinz ketchup?


Rose and Morris Michtom, two Russian Jewish immigrants, created this stuffed animal in 1902.

What is the Teddy Bear?


In 1901, Jewish playwrights David Belasco, Charles Klein, and Lee Arthur wrote "The Auctioneer," one of the few plays of its time that talked about the Jewish experience. Its main character was a peddler in this part of New York City, where many Jews lived at the time.

What is the Lower East Side?


In 1915, Moses Alexander was elected governor of this "potato" state, becoming the first Jew to be elected as the governor of an American state.

What is Idaho?


In 1919, Jennie Grossinger organized this hotel, starting the Catskill Mountains chain of Jewish hotels called the "Borscht Belt".

What is Grossinger's?


The Breakstone company, that makes butter, cottage cheese and sour cream, started on the Lower East Side of New York as this kind of store.

What is an ice cream store?


This Jewish inventor was called the "Father of American Television."

Who is David Sarnoff?


Yiddish Theater was so popular that this many people came to it each year.

What is 2 million?


Rabbi ben Frankel started this Jewish organization on college campuses in 1923. He named it after a great rabbi.

What is the Hillel Foundation?


Henrietta Szold founded this Zionist Women's organization in 1912.

What is Hadassah?


Because of its appeal to Jews, some of the first ads for the vegetable shortening Crisco were printed in this language.

What is Yiddish?


This Jewish woman's poem "The New Colossus" is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty.

Who is Emma Lazarus?


Jacob Adler's performance of this Jewish character in "The Merchant of Venice" was so successful on the Yiddish stage that he performed it on Broadway. But, while his fellow actors performed in English, he did the part entirely in Yiddish.

Who is Shylock?
