what is investing
the act of commiting money in order to earn a financial return.
What is a popular type of investment
what are fees?
cost of services.
What is the shortest redeemable GIC term
1 year
what is the stock marktet
market for trading of company stock
what is the difference between investing and saving?
investing is putting away money for a long time but savings are putting away money with less return but lower risk.
What is it called when you sell more than you pay
Gain in stock price
what is automated investing?
automatically adjusting investments managed by robots/ a computer program.
+11.8% or ~+12%
name 2 famous stock market crashes
housing crash of 2008, 9/11, 1930
three different types of investments?
stocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds, cash, real estate, REITs, commodities.
What are stocks
Share of ownership between companies
what is liquidity?
investments that can be sold off with no loss in value.
What are both outcomes or returns
Positive & negative
what are mutual funds?
funds pooled together from multiple investors managed by a professional fund manager.
is it better to diversify your investments or go all in on one investment.
What is a market for the trading of company stock
Stock market
what is a g.i.c
Guaranteed investment certificate.
What is an ETF
Exchange-traded fund
what are bonds?
loaned money to an organization with interest, usually from governments or banks.
is it better to invest early but lower amounts or higher amounts later in life.
investing earlier
What is a sharp dip in share prices in a stock market called
Stock market crash
what is the total amount of shares at one time called?
market cap
What type of ETF term is it in time
Long term
what is the main reason most investors have low returns?
selling at the wrong time