I am hungry, I want good foods.
Wakęhré:tihs, wakaʔneθwé:kih kákhwakawhst
I am lazy today
waktaturaʔθeh kyè:wę
my aunt (dad’s sister)
I will go
What are you doing?
Teʔ tihsáʔnyer?
I need to eat
newaktawęčúhę akačhù:riʔ
Are you jealous?
Shkà:rę hę?
I see my grandma
Khé:kęh ákhsu:t
I want to go home
wakaʔneθwé:kih yará:kye:t waknè:nę
What do you want to do?
Tawę́:te θaʔneθwé:kih nahsáʔnyeʔr?
All kinds of the breads
How are you feeling (emotionally)?
Teʔ tiθaʔtikęhrúʔnę?
How is your family feeling?
Teʔ tikakawę́:tawęθ?
I went to school
yahwáʔkye:t haʔ yerihętyáʔthaʔ
I want to drive
wakaʔneθwé:kih akaʔnù:riʔ
I will make food
Ękę́:tiʔ úkhweh.
He hates him.
My uncle (mom’s brother) has a head ache
Akhryá:tuʔ rutaʔranę́hwaks
What restaurant will you choose?
Tawę́:te yęčhuryáʔthaʔ ęhsrá:kuʔ?
I like to listen to music
kkwáhsθeh akaʔthenana:t haʔ uríhweh
I am buying food for you.
Kętyaʔná:tih úkhweh.
I am disappointed that I didn’t see it
Waknęθhúʔę hà:nę íhskah wáʔkkęʔ.
My cousin is 16 years old.
Yakyaʔrá:sę úhyaʔk θkaher tyakawuhstihyáʔkę
I need to go to the store
newaktawęčúhę yará:kye:ʔ ahʔ utęhninę́hsteh