Which planet in the solar system rotates in the opposite direction to other planets?
用三个 5 和一个 1,通过四则运算(加、减、乘、除),怎样得到 24?
Use three 5、5、5 and one 1 to get 24 through four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
(5 - 1÷5)×5 = 24
What are the three states of water?
固态(冰,ice)、液态(水,water)、气态(水蒸气,water vapor)
In ancient Chinese mythology, how many suns did Hou Yi shoot down?
What gas do plants absorb and what gas do they release during photosynthesis?
植物吸收二氧化碳(carbon dioxide),释放氧气(oxygen)。
Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
Comets have long tails. What are these tails usually made of?
由尘埃和气体组成(Composed of dust and gas)。
The answer: Composed of dust and gas.
一根绳子对折 3 次后,从中间剪断,这根绳子变成了几段?
After folding a rope in half three times and cutting it in the middle, how many segments are there?
9 段
对折 1 次从中间剪断是 3 段,对折 2 次是 5 段,对折 3 次规律是 2³ + 1 = 9 段
What is the approximate speed of sound propagation in air (at normal temperature)?
约 340 米 / 秒(About 340 m/s)
In the Ming Dynasty novel Journey to the West in China, who was Sun Wukong's first master?
菩提祖师(Patriarch Bodhi)
中国古代的 “百家争鸣” 时期,儒家的创始人是谁?
During the "Contention of a Hundred Schools of Thought" period in ancient China, who founded Confucianism?
In the solar system, which planet has a rotation period longer than its revolution period?
金星(Venus),金星的自转周期约为 243 地球日,公转周期约为 224.7 地球日。
The answer: Venus. The rotation period of Venus is about 243 Earth days, and the revolution period is about 224.7 Earth days.
房间里有 10 支点燃的蜡烛,被风吹灭了 3 支,请问最后还剩几支蜡烛?为什么?
There are 10 candles lit in a room. If the wind blows out 3 candles, how many candles are left in the end, and why?
3 支,没吹灭的蜡烛最后燃尽了,剩下的就是被吹灭的 3 支。
Which organs make up the human respiratory system? (Name at least three)
鼻腔(nasal cavity)、咽(pharynx)、喉(larynx)、气管(trachea)、支气管(bronchi)、肺(lungs)等。
In ancient Greek mythology, who is the god in charge of the sky?
In which layer of the atmosphere do meteors usually burn out?
During a total solar eclipse, where is the Moon located?
月球位于太阳和地球之间,并且三者正好或几乎在同一条直线上(The Moon is between the Sun and the Earth, and the three are exactly or almost in a straight line)。
The Moon is between the Sun and the earth, and the three are exactly or almost in a straight line.
用 1、2、3、4、5 这五个数字组成一个三位数和一个两位数,要使它们的乘积最大,应该怎样组合?
To form the largest possible product from a three-digit number and a two-digit number using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, how should they be arranged?
答案:组成 431 和 52
What are the main differences between plant cells and animal cells? (Name two points)
植物细胞有细胞壁(cell wall),动物细胞没有;植物细胞有叶绿体(chloroplast),能进行光合作用,动物细胞一般没有。
The 答案: Plant cells have a cell wall, while animal cells don't; Plant cells have chloroplasts and can carry out photosynthesis, while animal cells generally don't.
What was the famous code of the ancient Babylonian kingdom?
《汉谟拉比法典》(Code of Hammurabi)
What distance is the astronomical unit (AU) usually used to measure?
太阳与地球之间的平均距离(The average distance between the Sun and the Earth)
Which country launched the first artificial Earth satellite? What was its name?
苏联(The Soviet Union),斯普特尼克 1 号(Sputnik 1)
有 100 个包子,100 个人吃,1 个大人吃 3 个包子,1 个小孩吃 1 个包子,刚好分完,问大人和小孩各有多少人?
There are 100 buns, and 100 people are going to eat them. An adult eats 3 buns, and a child eats 1 bun. How many adults and children are there?
设大人有 x 人,则小孩有(100 - x)人,可得方程 3x + (100 - x) = 100,解得 x = 25,小孩人数为 100 - 25 = 75 人,即大人 25 人,小孩 75 人。
What function does the red blood cell in the blood have?
红细胞的主要功能是运输氧气(transport oxygen),将氧气从肺部输送到全身各处组织细胞。
What was the first large-scale peasant uprising in Chinese history?
陈胜、吴广起义(The Uprising of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang)
有一口深 7 米的井,一只蜗牛从井底往上爬,白天向上爬 3 米,晚上下滑 2 米,问蜗牛几天能爬出井口?
There is a well 7 meters deep. A snail climbs up from the bottom. It climbs 3 meters during the day and slips down 2 meters at night. How many days does it take for the snail to climb out of the well?
5 天,前 4 天每天实际向上爬 3 - 2 = 1 米,4 天共爬 4 米,第 5 天白天再爬 3 米就出井口了