1st Session Essentials
Tutor Survival Guide (General)
The How-To's
Compliance Matters
Scheduling Procedures

The student walks up to you for your first session, these are the first few things you should do.

What is introduce yourself, set expectations and discuss with a plan for how the sessions can best be used?


True of False. A student can "drop-in" on my tutor sessions.

What is false?


This is the first action you should take when you are unsure of something/have a question.

What is "ask a friend?" You could also ask in the group teams chat as well!

True or false: I can attend a sporting event of one of my students.

What is true?


These are the only 2 places that in-person sessions are held at.

What is Hale ALC and Vanier?


You are prepping for your first session, you go to this location in Hale to get materials you need like, paper, pencils or expo markers.

What is the "Can I Borrow..." shelf? Located by the front check-in desk.


This is how long you have to edit your tutor reports.

What is until midnight day of?


This is when my work log is due and how I submit it.

What is on or before the Thursday it is due at midnight on canvas?


The student needs help with a question they do not understand, you can help guide them but you can't do this.

What is give them the answer?


Sessions are only moved to Zoom for these 3 reasons.

What is COVID, injuries and emergencies?


Sessions are meant to be objective based, meaning we are trying to "accomplish" something. These are just a few examples you can start working on.

What are... Syllabus quiz, discussion board posts, class readings, and notes.


This is the minimum amount of time a student needs to be in a session.

What is 45 minutes?


This is what I look at to see who is working Night-Time Study Hall.

What is weekly Sunday email?


These are the social media platforms I can use to follow my students.

What is none of them?


This is how far in advance I should give Noelle notice for cancelling a session, via email.

What is 24 hours? (MINIMUM).


It is important to do review this with your students so that they are aware of the format of classes, textbook and outside resource needs.

What is Syllabi?

2 part question: Tutors must have this to be able to park at Hale. When at Vanier for sessions, you can park in spots in the North/front lot with this on it.

Hale: What is an On-Campus Pass?

Vanier: What is numbers?


This is who you contact and how when a student wants extra sessions.

What is Noelle and email?


The only way I can join my friends fantasy football league is if it doesn't have this.

What is a "buy-in? or "monetary cost?"


Checking your email every day is important because it can notify me of these important details (3).

What is...New session additions. Session changes/reminders. Session cancelations.


This is important to walk through with the student to make sure they know where homework and important information will be posted.

What is the course/canvas page?


Each pay period, tutors have to submit a completely new one of these. Do not use the same one of these please and thank you. 

What is a worklog?


If I want to obtain course related materials I submit this.

What is Materials Request Form?


You will be asked to disclose this with current or incoming student-athletes. Therefore, you will not be allowed to work directly with those students.

What is previous relationship(s)?


Important information such as this can be found in the session appointment details and comments in Retain. "Comments can save a life!" - Noelle

What is... Place session is at. Time/Day session is being held. Reason for cancelation. What student needs to do.
