A farmer has 12 rows of corn with 24 corn plants in each row. How many corn plants does he have in total?
Un granjero tiene 12 hileras de maíz con 24 plantas de maíz en cada hilera. ¿Cuántas plantas de maíz tiene en total?
288 corn plants
What is 20×30?
What is 12×14?
What is the product of 27×13?
What is the 2 times table?
Cual es la tabla del 2?
Say the 2 times table
A book costs $15, and you want to buy 14 books. How much will you spend in total?
Un libro cuesta 15 dólares y quieres comprar 14 libros. ¿Cuánto gastarás en total?
What is 40×50?
What is 23×34?
What is the product of 46×29?
What two numbers multiplied equal 144?
Que dos numeros multiplicados es igual a 144?
12 x 12
There are 25 students in a class, and each student needs 3 notebooks. How many notebooks does the class need altogether?
Hay 25 estudiantes en una clase y cada estudiante necesita 3 cuadernos. ¿Cuántos cuadernos necesita la clase en total?
75 notebooks
What is 60×70?
What is 15×16?
What is the product of 58×16?
On the board, show 99 x 99.
Show on the board.
A gardener plants 18 flower beds with 16 flowers in each bed. How many flowers did the gardener plant?
Un jardinero planta 18 cartones con 16 flores en cada carton. ¿Cuántas flores plantó el jardinero?
288 flowers
What is 80×90?
What is 21×25?
What is the the product of 31×22?
What two numbers multiplied equal 121?
Que dos numeros multiplicados es igual a 121?
A toy store has 23 shelves, and each shelf holds 19 toys. How many toys are there in total?
Una tienda de juguetes tiene 23 estantes y en cada estante hay 19 juguetes. ¿Cuántos juguetes hay en total?
437 toys
What is 90×20?
What is 18×22?
What is the product of 85×17?
Define "Product"
Define "Producto"
Product is the answer to a multiplication problem.
Producto es la respuesta a un problema de multiplicacion.