This greek letter precedes male, dog and centauri.
Zeta or Alpha
What is Alpha?
The word Hannukkah means this
Dedication or Candles
What is dedication?
He had a perfect rookie year.
Nolan Ryan or Shoeless Joe Jackson
Who was Shoeless Joe Jackson?
Walk Ins Welcome
Walk In's Welcome
What is Walk Ins?
4th century pilgrim Egeria explored the Holy Land using this book as a guide.
Israel on $5 a day or The Bible.
What is the Bible?
1941 Airline moved its home base HQ to Atlanta
Emirates Air or Delta Air
What is Delta Air?
Hanukkah is celebrated for this many nights
Eight or twelve
What is eight?
He had the record for most RBIs:
Hank Aaron or Don Kessinger
Who is Hank Aaron?
We have VCRs
We have VCR's
What is We Have VCRs?
Eliza Scidmore lobbied to bring Japanese trees to Washington. Mrs Taft finally listened.
Apple Trees or Cherry Trees
What are Cherry Trees?
Bad publicity when it became a Covid variant in 2021.
Delta or Omicron
What is Omicron?
The name of the 9 branched candlestick is this:
Hanukkiah or Lantern
What is a Hannukiah?
Baseball Pro leagues started after the Civil War in this decade:
1870s or 1860s
What was 1870s?
Open on Sundays
Open on Sunday's
What is Open on Sundays?
Annie Londonderry inspired the 2021 novel about her 19th century trip around the world
on one of these.
Hot Air Balloon or Bicycle.
What is a bicycle?
Letter 3 in the Alphabet of Greeks
Gamma or Omicron
What is Gamma?
Menorah is lighted for 8 nights. We use this many total candles:
44 or 75
What is 44?
Chicago White Sox' original name:
Southside Bears or White Stockings
What was White Stockings?
Signs made here
Sign's made here
What is Signs made here?
Martha Gellhorn, 3rd wife of this author, lived in Cuba for a time. The author was
Ernest Hemingway or F Scott Fitzgerald
Who was Hemingway?
It comes before 3 in fatty acids and found in fish
Omega or Zeta
What is Omega?
Miracle of the oil is that one night's oil lasted this many nights:
eight or twelve
What is eight nights?
Yankees was once known as:
New York Highlanders or Bronx Bullets
What were New York Highlanders?
Boys' Gym
Boy's Gym
What is Boys' Gym?
She led the Lewis and Clark Expedition across Northern America with a baby on her back.
Sacajawea or Dr Quinn
Who is Sacajawea?