Joey played Dr. Drake Ramoray on which soap opera show?
What is "Days of Our Lives."
What's the name of the bar the group frequently goes to?
What is MacLaren's Pub.
What did Kate leave behind for Neal in the first episode?
What is a wine bottle.
What is Gus' other job besides working at Psych?
What is a pharmaceutical rep.
Who is Lexi to Stefan?
What is his best friend.
Who was the maid of honor at Monica's wedding?
What is Rachel.
What embarrassing tattoo does Ted get in Season 3?
What is a butterfly.
Who are Suit and Mrs. Suit?
Who calls them those names?
What is Mozzie.
Where does "Psych" take place at?
What is Santa Barbara.
Which of the Salvatore brothers does Elena meet first?
What is Damon Salvatore.
How many times did Ross get divorced?
Which girl leaves Ted at the altar?
What is Stella.
In what sport did Peter make it to the pros?
What is baseball.
What do Shawn and Gus (mostly Shawn) call Gus' car?
What is the blueberry.
How is the Werewolf Curse triggered?
What is when a person with the werewolf gene kills another person.
What store does Phoebe hate?
What is Pottery Barn.
What do Lily and Marshall name their first son?
What is Marvin.
Who owns the house that Neal moves into after visiting the thrift store?
What is June's house.
In the episode, "Let's Doo-Wop it again", what does Shawn want to call their quartet?
What is Quarter Black.
What type of supernatural being does Jeremy Gilbert turn into?
What is a vampire hunter.
Joey and Chandler's TV guide is addressed to who?
What is Mrs. Chanandler Bong.
What phrase does Robin constantly say on her pre-morning news show?
What is "but ummm..."
Who is the FBI agent that goes rogue?
What is Garrett Fowler.
In season 8, it is revealed that Marlowe, Lassie's wife, is expecting a baby. Where is the baby born?
What is in the back of a food truck.
Caroline is what to Josie and Lizzie?
Who is the dad?
What is a surrogate mother.
What is Alaric.