The location the show was taken place in for the last 11 seasons.
What is "Fiji"?
In a land of ____ and a time of ____
What is "myth" and "magic"?
The number of seasons.
What is "8"?
The woman Kevin ends up with at the end of the show.
Who is Sophie?
What is "NBC"?
The seasons number that is about to air.
What is "survivor 45"?
The name Merlin gives his old man disguise.
Who is "Dragoon the Great"?
The character/actor who's onscreen wife is his real-life wife.
Who is "Kevin Ryan"?
The year the first season aired.
What is "2016"?
Chris Blue's original song he performed on the show.
What is "Money on You"?
The piece of jewelry Jeff always wears.
What is "a necklace"?
Merlin's dad's name.
Who is "Balinor"
Senator Bracken's first name.
What is "William"?
The youngest cast member of the immediate Pearson family. (Jack, Rebecca, Randall, Kevin, Kate)
Who is "Mandy Moore"?
The show's host.
Who is "Carson Daley"?
Minimum age requirement to be on the show.
What is "16"?
The plant Morgana used to make Uther go crazy. Hint: she put it under his bed
What is "the Mandrake Root"?
Richard Castle's real name.
What is "Richard Alexander Rodgers"?
The name of the triplet that died. Hint: begins with a K
Who is "Kyle"?
The current number of people that make it to the finale each season.
What is "5 people"?
What is "Come on in, guys!"
The name Merlin gives his old woman disguise.
Who is "the Dolma"?
The name of Ryan's kid.
Who is "Sarah Grace Ryan"?
The character that suffered a strok, much like their actor.
Who is "Gregory"?
The season number that is about to air.
What is "season 24"?