"We both know I could rip you to shreds and do my nails at the same time."
Katherine Pierce
How many episodes does it take for Elena to figure out that Stefan is a vampire?
How old is Drew Starkey?
Denmark wrote that the cross is buried at the foot of the ___?
“Love is 5 minutes of pleasure, for a life time of pain.”
"I know you said to kill her with kindness, but can't I just kill her?"
Caroline Forbes
Which vampire gives Jeremy Gilbert their blood in case he decides he wants to become a vampire?
What is the alcoholic drink Ian and Paul made called?
Brothers Bond Bourbon
Where was the island room?
Inside the Cameron house
“If you’re born poor, it’s not your fault but if you die poor, thats on you.”
"We stick together as one, always and forever."
Rebekah Mikaelson
In season 3, where do Alaric and Elena (and unknowingly, Damon) go to look for Stefan?
What movies are Ian somerhalders wife in?
The twilight movies
What was the name of the pilot that Ward told to get rid of the gun Rafe used to kill Sheriff Peterkin?
“They ain’t gonna take me alive.”
"Whenever you go too far, I will be there to pull you back. Every second. Every day. Until you don't need me."
Damon Salvatore
Where and when did Stefan first meet Klaus?
Chicago in the 1920s
What show did Madelyn Cline play a witch in?
The Originals
What is the profession of John B's legal guardian after his father's disappearance?
A. fisherman
B. lighthouse keeper
C. boat mechanic
Boat mechanic
“I’d rather die than be without you.”
“Don’t rain on my hot guy parade.”
Bonnie Bennett
What can Jeremy, but no one else, see that indicates he is a potential future vampire hunter?
The hunters mark tattoo
Who in the show did Joseph Morgan marry?
Abbey Bennett (Bonnies mom)
How did Ward fake his death?
He used the scuba gear in the boat
“Why are we always getting shot at¿”