Who is Anakin’s clone commander?
Who is Rex
What board game did they play life size?
What is sciddily wifflers
Who was the third team to be eliminated in season 32?
Who is Jerry and Frank
Where was this filmed at?
What is Fiji
Where are the mandalororians from?
What is Mandalore
Where are the Wookiee’s from?
What is kayassky.
Who is Dr. Doofenshmirts nemesis?
Who is Perry the Platupus
What NFL team did Deangalo and Gary play for?
Who is the Carolina Panthers
Who is the host of Worlds toughfest race?
Who is Bear Grylls
What is the martial real name?
Who is Greef Carga
What droid is R2-D2
What is an astromic droid
Where is Ferb orriganaly from?
What is london
What episode did the teams have to go mining to get a yield?
What is episode two
Who won the race?
Who is New Zealend
What is Mandos armor made of?
What is beskar
Who was Obiwan’s master?
Who is Qui-Gon-Jin
What color is Ducky Momo?
What is yellow
What is the nickname for the volleyball brothers?
Who is the beard bros
When did iron cowboy take on the water fall?
When is nighttime
What dragon was in season 2 episode 1?
What is the Slate dragon
What was the 5th movie?
What is The last Jedi
What is Buford?
What is a bully
What is Becca and Floyd’s team name?
What is Team Fun
Who was the first team to be eliminated?
Who is team unbroken
What is Mandos task?
What is to bring the foundling to its kind