what is Alexa's Mom's name
Lori Mendoza
Who Plays the Saxophone
Ray Preston
who is Luna Parents
Monica & Miguel Valiente
Who has a crush on Skyler
What is the name of Heidi's rabbit
what is Katie's Brother's Name
Jake Cooper
What is the name of Taylor's sister
What is Luna's real name
Sol Benson
What is the name the guy that has a statue of his face
Mr. Danford
Who has not left the house in 8 years
Clara Seseman
who is Jennifer Cooper
Katie's Mom
Who is Frankie's worst enemy
Who is Luna's best friends
Simon & Nina
who is bionic
Bree and Chase
Who is Susy Rot
Miss Rotermeir
What is the name of Jennifer's boyfriend
Joe Perry
where do they live
New York
who is Luna's Boyfriend
What superhero goes by Angalina Conner
Who owns the Choco Pub
Gerald Garcia & Paulina LeBlanc
where does Alexa & Katie live
who is Taylor's best friend
What is the last song Luna sang
Soy Yo
What are the names of the villians that can form a cloud
Roman and Ricker
where did Heidi live