When Hades released the Titans from underground to destroy Mount Olympus, which one did he send to destroy Hercules?
How good is Cam at naming her inventions?
terrible or bad
What Disney film also featured the heroine in a forest when she met the prince?
Sleeping Beauty
What is Matilda's brother's name?
Where is Bunk'd set?
camp kaikwaka
Near the beginning of the movie, Hades reveals his plot to take over Olympus. Who does he seek out in order to gain reassurance he will achieve this?
The Fates
In the last episode what bird name did Maddy get
the night hawk
What is the name of the place where Giselle comes from?
What was the first "grown-up" book that Matilda read?
great expiations
What is the name of the oldest child in the Ross family?
What is Hercules' real father called?
What is Bry's last name????????????
What is the real name of the person who portrays Nancy?
Idina Menzel
Where does Matilda's mysterious power "shoot" from?
her eyes
Which cabin does Zuri stay at?
What are the names of the creatures that Zeus trapped?
What's Prince Xander's brother's name.
After Giselle settles in Robert's apartment, she makes herself a new dress out of what?
Robert's curtains
What does Matilda's mother do all day long?
play bingo
Lou Hockhauser's full name is revealed in the fourth season. What is it?
Louella Dorcas Hockhauser
Who says the line "I've not seen so much love in a room since Narcissus discovered himself!"?
What is the name of Bry and Cam's favourite band???????????????
This film starts off like a normal Disney film in an animated world, and then the main characters come to the real world. What is this animated world called?
What was Miss Honey's first name?
Which camper has won almost every beauty pageant she has entered?
Destiny Baker