In which town do the Simpsons reside?
Lois's maiden name
The Alien's name
What color is Kenny's sweat shirt.
What classic horror movie features a serial killer in a William Shatner mask?
What was Chucky's first movie?
What is the name of the Simpsons' next-door neighbor?
Ned Flanders
Quagmire's occupation
airline pilot
What are the three names of Steve's friends
Snot,Toshi,and Barry
who does stan date in almost every episode?
What classic horror movie was originally titled The Babysitter Murders?
From the movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre
What is the name of the clown on Channel 6?
The name of Chris's JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL
Buddy Cianci Junior High School
Which government agency does Stan work for?
Central Intelligence Agency
who do the boys go to visit in Canada to get Ike back.
the prime minister
Who IS MICHAEL MYERS main target
Where is Chucky's body trapped in?
Good Guy Doll
Who is Mr Burns' assistant?
Brian's son
What nationality is the goldfish?
Name three of Cartmans dolls?
What is Polly Priscey Pants, Clyde Frog, and Peter Panda
What were the balloons filled with in the library scene in IT
With what did Michael Myer's hit the boy with that bullied him in the bathroom?
Hockey stick
Gives traffic reports, is on channel 6, and frankly, is a little annoying.
Ernie Pie in the sky
Who does Meg accidentally run over and kill in the episode "I Never Met the Dead Man"?
William Shatner
What is the name of Stan's unpublished children's book series?
Patriot Pigeon
When the boys help butters pretend to co mite suicide what do they use that looks like butters?
How Jason Died as a child?
He drowned
What is the name of the street where Freddy kills his victims?
This awkward 2nd grader who has a crush on Lisa. He's also the son of the chief of police
ralph wiggum
When Peter and Lois start their own food business, who does Peter not allow into the restaurant?
Complete the theme song lyric: "Oh, boy, it's swell to say..."
Good morning, USA!
What does Cartman call his gruop of Gingers?
the gingers separatist movement
Released in 2007, this Horror movie is about a young couple, Katie and Micah, who are terrorized in their home by a demon that Katie believes has been following her all her life.
Paranormal activity
Released in 2002, this Horror film is based on a killer video tape that recounts the death of a young girl falling down a well. After watching the video, a phone call is received with a young girl's voice saying "seven days".
The Ring